Some things I notice about coco


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I havent been on in a while but theres been alot learned. Maybe someone can help me out too. I use 4 600 watt lights and avg 3-5 oz with a one time high of 7oz. I really feel with 1 more 1000 watt I can get seven avg but thats a big claim and I havent done it yet. That being said canna has potential.
I have a few harvs under my belt all very successfull. My recipe: I use advanced sensi A + B (Not monkey juice), Cal-mag, Cannazym, Sweet. Clones sit in an easy with clonex solution / then nutes for 20 days. After that Ill root them into Grodan 6x6's, Ill let them root 5-7 days or so into the grodan and then feed them a mixed up solution of Great White and Sweet (highly recommended) and bury the cube into a 5 gal with canna. I let them veg about three weeks by then they are 3ft tall and I flip them.
When in the canna I dont water all the way thru every single time. I know it takes about 6 bowls for them to flood, but ill usually feed them 4 bowls (cereal bowl) and that lasts them 24hrs. Ill give them 750ppm once every 5 days or so, plain tall-boy filtered phd water in between nutes, I notice that 750 PPM is all I need to give them throughout flowering because the coco likes to hold on to the nutes. My pan water PPM is commonly about 22-2400 PPM. and yes it causes issues It doesnt exactly burn them as if you had a ebb&flow table and rez mixed at 2400 but it will burn the bottom stuff. Im starting to use flora kleen every few days and wont comment on how it works just yet. but canna coco just loads up like crazy. So I start running filtered & PH'd water for 10-14 days straight, flood and check the pan water PPM and its still at about 1800 so then I give it one more feed (Because Im about 2 weeks out by then) and flush with water again until they get chopped. The smoke is great, potency is there, the taste is good, but ive never been able to get that real weed smell, this is still a nice aroma just not quite right. I yeild a decent avg out of doing this. It kind of makes me paranoid to dip my pen into the pan water and see numbers that high but it does work. I just wondered if any one else has the same problem and knows the cure.