some help needed


do you have any perlite in your soil mix? not saying that is you prob but roots do love as much O2 that they can get..the ones that you transplanted, is the burning progressing or staying the same? transplanting seedlings is very stressful to the plant. i would say that would be the cause of the wilting. i'm just curious but what brand of cheap digi ph pen did you use? i am in the process of getting one and don't want to get a piece of shit...
i had perlite in the original miracle grow...then realized it was miracle grow perlite so i didnt add it to the new soil...i should be good with the ocean forest when that gets in but right now no perlite and i was thinking it would be in an issue... i dont think the burn is getting worse but there is still wilting...i did notice a little burn on some of the newer leaves but that may have been from be4.....the digi ph was from home depot but i did not like it just went and got one offline for 75 bucks i hope it works good