Some Dirt PH Questions...


Well-Known Member
i'm using sunshine4, (haven't grown in dirt for over a year), and have found something interesting. i've adjusted water in from 6.5 to 8.2, and the runoff is nearly the same regardless, 5.9-6.1. i was a total newb when i grew dirt last time and didn't measure runoff. what's the best course of action to get my runoff up to 6.5?

thanks all!


Well-Known Member
i'm using sunshine4, (haven't grown in dirt for over a year), and have found something interesting. i've adjusted water in from 6.5 to 8.2, and the runoff is nearly the same regardless, 5.9-6.1. i was a total newb when i grew dirt last time and didn't measure runoff. what's the best course of action to get my runoff up to 6.5?

thanks all!
have you got a propper run off test kit? ive read that just putting your meter under the pot to measure is not a true run off....why would you PH to 8.2? sure your gonna lock out there big time? there could be a lot of variables that are changing your PH as it runs through the soil but i still wouldnt adjust to 8.2


Well-Known Member
Your runoff isn't going to change right away. Don't go jacking your water up to 8+ trying to change your runoff.
Don't panic anyway, 6.1 isn't too bad.
IMO, Add a little dolomite lime, powdered if you can find it (will break down faster) to your soil, keep your water around 6.5-6.6 for a couple, maybe three waterings then check runoff again if you're worried about it.
****Thanks Matt******


Well-Known Member
Add dolomite lime or calcitic lime, just NOT hydrated.

2tbl/gallon of mix or 1cup/cf of mix. Best added before use, but a top dress will work just as well.

Put the meter away and quit worring about pH after adding the lime.



Well-Known Member
i've been collecting the runoff, not measuring under the pot, but yes, i'm using a standard ph meter. jacked up the ph just to see if it would make a difference. i flushed with 6.5 ph to get the high ph stuff out of there. i've been adding cal/mag, don't know if that would have the same effect as the lime... so should i just shoot for 6.5 going in?


Well-Known Member
i'm using sunshine4, (haven't grown in dirt for over a year), and have found something interesting. i've adjusted water in from 6.5 to 8.2, and the runoff is nearly the same regardless, 5.9-6.1. i was a total newb when i grew dirt last time and didn't measure runoff. what's the best course of action to get my runoff up to 6.5?

thanks all!
Feed it ph'ed water that is 6.5.


bud bootlegger
run-off means nothing. soil buffers water, not the other way around. add some dolomite as stated.
That^^^^^ Thank you ape man for the concise clarity.

No, cal/mag does not have the same effect as lime.

i couldn't agree more.. what does runoff ph tell you other then the ph of the run off?? not a damn thing imo, and what do i care what the ph of the water coming out of my pots is? it tells me exactly nada...


Active Member
I thought the whole purpose of testing runoff was to determine if you needed to add more nutrients or use less? Or is this only applicable in hydro?

I have a current outside grow that is suffering from S and Mg def. I checked my water and its full of Chlorine. That locks out some micro nutes so I tried to flush, but didn't pH my water down below 6.9, like an idiot, and then it rained for 3 days straight. It's still budding just fine, but not at the rate I would like. I took a clone from her and brought her inside and her pH is around 6.9 as well but she hasn't shown any problems until 2 days ago I noticed a few of her reveg leaves had some yellow spotting. I waited for her to dry, then watered with filtered water and pH'd it down to 6.4 with lime juice and then added some liquid fish emulsion, as she is due for her first feeding. We'll see how this works. I went out and built myself a hand watering filter system. I'm doing a small grow, just enough for me and my wife. I know you're supposed to add nutes, then pH, but I checked this last night with the fish emulsion and filtered water alone, and it does nothing to pH.