soil vs hydro

chronic vegan

Active Member
just curious to hear why people choose soil or hydro? I am using soil because I am new and feel more confortable with soil. I think there is less risk with soil. I hear hydro gets you to harvest quicker but 'soil grown' plants, effect on the comsumer is longer lasting and in the long run is more intense. what do you know???


Well-Known Member
I like soil simply because I don't have to mess with as much stuff. I water every 3 days or so, don't have to check pH all the time, etc.

I don't think you will "harvest" faster with hydro, but the plants will veg faster. But you also have to be more careful of rootrot, nute burn, pH fluctuation, etc.


Well-Known Member
I have a buddy that grows hydro and i've givin him some of my WW seeds so we've both grown them out. I grow in soil and love it, don't think i'll ever switch.. but I grow for mainly a personal stash.. he grow's for more of a commercial reason. That being said I think growing in soil has a better taste and smell while hydro will grow bigger and faster in veg. Not to mention soil is easier for the begginer, easier to correct mistakes then hydro.


Active Member
I prefer hydro because the are less bugs, no "soil" smell, no soil to dispose of after and believe you get better results from hydro as well.


Well-Known Member
but u need some tools to test the ppms and they are expensive shits....i can't even find this tools where i am lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm doing the "hempy" bucket method to get the best of both worlds :hump: Kinda soil, (not really but it makes you feel like its soil), kinda hydro.......yuppers my friends, you can do it too. Check out my journal in my sig

:peace: out

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Hey Boneman,
Good to see a fellow Hempey user
Why is it that more people dont use the bucket? Like you said the best of both and the growth rate WOW
Just wanted to say hello to another Hempey user
Hapy Growing
Green Dave