Soil... Sog... Diffrent strains... Lots of muh fuccin ????'s... Lots of pictures...


Active Member
Hey man, thanks for dropping by my thread. Yours looks a lot more interesting this time around!

Hope you get what you're aiming for. At least you have a few different plants going, I've really only got one and some seedlings right now :)

I'll be dropping in again soon!


Well-Known Member
kool kool homie... preciate the comment... i will be updating regularly... just like my micro grow... i dont know if i am addicted to this site, growing, or showing off... but something inside of me keeps me up at nite thinking about my next update and the comments and sarcasms i will get from them. very fucking entertaining...


Active Member
yes thats what i meant by cultivating techniques! how are you doing lst? and how often are you watering?


Well-Known Member
kool kool homie... Preciate the comment... I will be updating regularly... Just like my micro grow... I dont know if i am addicted to this site, growing, or showing off... But something inside of me keeps me up at nite thinking about my next update and the comments and sarcasms i will get from them. Very fucking entertaining...
bro same lol i love it allll


Well-Known Member
well i am about to post a update with about a couple piks... so give me about 15 minutes and the update will be up homies...


Well-Known Member
imma muh fuccin pikture fanatic...

the two that are looking the shittiest are the ones i lst'ed... the thing is that they were brite green before i lst'ed and since have gotten darker green... they have also shown signs of nute burn more than the others... not really sure about that since i use the same nutes for ll of them and water all of them the exact same amount.. lets blame it on shitty genetics for now... my 3 indicas are doing real good... the mutant has shown itself to be more sativa... hummm... damn this vegging shit takes or at least it seems that way for now... my center indica is growing at a rte of about 3/4" a day in the past couple days... dont know if it is a growth spurt, or if this fast growing fad mite be catching on with all the lil bit more matured ones... i was gonna trash the two i lst'ed... something my homie suggested... i decided to "experiment" on those two and see how they turn out... i guess i could simply try my best to keep them going and who know i mite get two females outta them, if not, they will be replaced with new sprouts... the homie was talking about them using up valuable space for the others.. i explained to him that is why i lst'ed them to the outside of the container... make room for the healthy ones that are bushing out nicely... also, the two i lst'ed are sativas, so i am only expecting 1 main cola off of each, so those are the ones i may practice my fimming and topping with... top one and fim the other... see what dif that makes...

so yup, i'm still just sorta experimenting and growing... learning if anything...:dunce:
if ya have any questions or comments feel free to post them...

also, they are being fed quarter strength nutes... they have been fed twice now... next feeding, they will move up to half strength nutes and see how the respond to them... i feed/water every 3 or 4 days depending on how the soil is looking... i'm pretty observant in that sense... i try to stay in tune with them, as much as i stare at them, i should be able to read their "minds" by

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member

OK MG - just do this:

Let em all grow,
Keep topping the faster growing ones to be the same height as the slower growing ones,
When the slower ones get to be the height that you want to flower at flip em all to 12/12,
Any ones that stretch too much over the others just LST the taller branches down a few inches so that they're in line with the rest.

Oh and look for a bigger rubbermaid container! Maybe stack 2 n top of each other like you were saying and then line the inside of em with mylar.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
jimi... def getting some new soil for my strain grows.. i used what i had laying around the house... didnt really have te funds for any "good" soil... the best soil i have used so far was the mg organics.. it was real good... as far as nutes, the place i get all my nutes from (wal-mart) is seasonal and at the moment i cant really get any more nutes than what i have... if i had access to some fox farm, i think my shit would be banging... but i dont, so i'll be happy with what i get outta this... its all in good fun and knowledge.. i dont sell, so whatever i get outta this is mine... and from my experience smoking my last homegrown sensi it'll be worth it in the end... i do wish i had more money for what i "need/want" and access to better growing supplies... if only we had everything we wished

skervy... i guess i will go back to water on those then... the others seem to be taking the nutes fine, but yeah, i feel ya... there has to be a way to fix it, and just water didnt fuck it up, so i guess i have my solution... thanks for looking out homie....


Well-Known Member
underoath... i dont think that its mold... i will look at them when iget home to make sure though... if it happens to be mold, how would i fix that? but like i said i dont think it is... maybe a lil sand or something... i dunno... i'll check it though and let ya know...

d.c. beard... that is pretty much what i was planning on doing with the lst and topping... i want them all to be at about a foot before i flower... i got a homie who is gonna sex some clones off of them for me... i have two 18 gallon rubbermaids... that i will stack... i think i may end up painting them flat white though... i looked for mylar at wal mart the other day and didnt have any luck... thanks for the advice and i will keep it in mind...

hey homies... ya'll want some rep???


Well-Known Member
d.c. beard... apparently i gave you some rep before and now i cant give ya any more... either way, you deserve some for the advice...


Well-Known Member
somebody throw d.c. some rep for me...

about how much piss in a gallon would you suggest? should i watch what i eat smoke and drink before i do that?


Active Member
hell i dont know but i have a horrible diet i dink lots of water and pop and chain smoke like crazy pot and cigarettes. i just take a little wizz in a gallon of water till i think its reasonable lol. if you search about it theres measurements somewhere i forgot.

oh ya another thing i was reading is smoke is suppose to be really bad for them and handling cigarettes then touching the plants. im in the room with my box all day and smoke like crazy their not dead. although maybe thats why i have a few deformed leaves and the random tears/brown spots on leaves who knows lol. i just know its nothing major and their still growin great so fuck it


Well-Known Member
yeah... i have heard that as well about the smoking shit... i dont smoke cigs inside my house and i try to refrain from smoking bud in the grow room... i always wash my hands before fucking with my plants... i'm prolly a lil too careful, but oh well... muh plants are still alive, so i guess i'm doing something rite.. i am gonna have to do some research on the piss thing.. i believe you, i just need some more info on it before i try it out...


Active Member
im a horrible father to my plants they have rough lives lol. i look at it as if they can survive outside they can take a little manhandling