Soil Questions! Help Please!


Well-Known Member

So I have 3 soils and need to know which one to use. I have:

Hyponex Potting Soil

Miracle Grow potting soil

Miracle Grow Moisture Control potting soil

Which one should I use? Should I just make a mixture of the 3? Also, are jiffy potting plugs good? I heard that they are too acidic and they contain a little bit of fertilizer for the seedling to grow.

Any help please!


Well-Known Member
ya i would mix the three soils. the plugs are good to use but it doesnt matter if u didnt


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I found out that the Hyponex soil has no fertilizers and that both of the Miracle Grow have fertilizers


Well-Known Member
Mixing all 3 soils together? I was thinking of just using the Hyponex since it is all organic and has no nutes in it unlike Miracle Gro


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but I want to see what the best option to use is with what I have. If one way works better than the other, I'll choose that method.


Well-Known Member
id go with the hyponex soil, its all organic no chemicals. u can add all that stuff later when the plant will need it. the baby plant that will grow just need soil light and water.


Active Member
Haha, first off, you can grow a plant in pretty much anything because of their genetics they tend to be very giving in certain conditions. From one grower to the next I would advice you not to use any of those soils. Miracle grow really works well for flowers but not great quality. Getting a medium(soil) that contains nutrient based solutions, ie cocconut husks, sea kelps, bat guano, all natural ingredients is something you should stick with. go to your closes hydroponics store and pick it up there. otherwise use what you have nd watch how you water it. add nutrients later in the veg. stage.
hope im some help.


Well-Known Member
Alright, well today I decided that I am going to use Hyponex potting soil and will be using the Dyna-Gro Veg and Dyna-Gro Bloom nutrients.