Soil Grow- Which Nutrients to Use for Vegetation


Hey, I'm new to this could anyone give me a very basic overview of which nutrients are most important for the plant while vegging? I'm currently using a very basic potting soil for the little un's. I am planning on putting them into a better mixture when they're ready for bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
Hey Loko, just use nutrients high in Nitrogen during the vegetative stage. You definitely want to invest in a better soil. I've used MG plant food 24-8-16 because of it's high N level during vegging.


Well-Known Member
I recommend Fox Farm Grow Big for Soil Nutes. However I have used the MG 30-10-10 at 1/4, and 1/2 strength for years. Just start with a 1/4 to 1/3 strength and work your way up. Read your plants. Also recommend Fox Farm Happy Frog or Ocean Forest soil. There are many options out there. Just remember with nutes too much is worse than not enough.

Happy Growing!


Alright, so I need a lot of Nitrogen in my soil. Does anyone know of organic compounds I can add to my soil that would do the trick?


Well-Known Member
Manure is a source of nitrogen. Potting soil has some in there too.
You use too much and you leaf will turn dark green, to little and they turn light green.