Soil Clones...


Well-Known Member
Yo what's up ppl? how ya doin.....I've been doing some research and i still can't decide between hydroponics and organics....but i do know what is going to help me make up my mind......If any of you experts out there can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated....

Can I clip a lower branch off my mother plant and stick the mofo in soil? How often will that branch become a healthy plant? If I bought a cloning machine is there a method to transfer the plant after it develops roots, into soil?

Just some comments on this topic are appreciated....thanks.....stay chillen


Well-Known Member
I sliced off the growth tips and about an inch of stem, used root poweder from the local hardware store, and stuck in 50/50 mg organic and vermaculite in peat cups and make a sawran wrap tent for humidity, I kept mine in for a wekk or 2. then right to veg or in my case, flower.