SOG kinda hempy style,have a question b4 I start.


Well-Known Member
O.K. I have 30 6in square pots just sitting here,the other 30 are on my E&F table. I dont have the equipment to set up another E&F system,but I have another 4x4 table,so I was thinking of using the 30 square pots,filling them with a perilite,vermiculite mix like a hempy bucket, the problem is the pots have holes in the bottom. So I was wondering can I just hand water and run to waste? I guess just treat the grow like a soil grow but use my GH nutes.
Has anyone done this b4, I'm sure its been done.I think ppl have tried every thing under the sun to
well anyway if anyone has comments or Ideas I'm all ears.
Oh yea, I forget to mention, Putting rooted clones straight into flower, single cola str8 up, usually 24-30'' height.
i dig it. big nugs, why fuck around with popcorn takes up more space anyways. im thinking Sog with my vortex and spacequeen 8)
then giant donkey dicks of sour D on the walls, if all goes as planned.

if your going to hand water why not just use dirt maybe on a raised grate like cookie racks on the drain table. never tried to grow anything in pure perilite and vermiculite
good luck, and godspeed!


Well-Known Member
Glad you like sog grows, but dirt is a big no no in my grow room, I keep that place as clean as an operating room, I just wanted to try the perilite/verm mix bcause I see hempys doing so well,but I dont like the idea of a stagnate res in the bottom of the pot.

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
I think the problem you will have is the drain holes. Since they are not 2" up, you have no res at the bottom of the buckets, and they will dry up sooo fast that you will have to water daily. You need the res at the bottom to hold water so the roots can feed.
yea, dirt is dirty for sure. maybe just use clay pellets? maybe with some rockwoll to hold the moisture a bit longer? elevate the pots off the table so the water wont sit in the bottom and can freely drain out and wont sit in the bottom making mold and other bad stuff. but itd probably be rather labor intensive watering, with the frequency needed to keep the plants happy. possibly set up a dripper system on a timer so it doesnt stay super wet but would cut down on the amount of times youd have to be watering.

so there would be no need for a rez in the buckets, just one for the dripper lines and the plants will always get fresh water.


Well-Known Member
If its just the watering issue, I dont mind watering 30 small sog plants everyday even 2x a day as they get flowering. Its only 30,If I had 100 or so then that would kinda I did a test yesterday. I filled a 6x6 pot with a 2:1 ratio of perilite:vermiculite and watered it until there was run off,about 16oz of water I then put it in the flower room under 1000 watts,room temp 75,rh 60% and it has been in there now for over 16hrs and still is plenty heavey and moist,not sopping wet but nice and moist when I stick my finger way to the bottom. Now I know if theres a feeding plant in there it will dry faster but I was surprised at its water holding ability. I think i could get away with a 3:1 mix of perilite:vermiculite.
I guess I wont know till I try this,I was hoping someone would have done or seen something like this b4. I have done alot of hempy reading just dont like that stagnate res. I will have to go back and check the feeding/water schedule,I also believe there was something about using 1/4 or 1/2 strength nutes then just plain water every other watering.
If there are anymore comments or suggestions please feel free to jump in, I will be here again soon to check up,thanks again to everyone for there time and effort.