SOG Grow room questions.... Advice needed!!!


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm about to start a SoG grow and hoping to harvest a pound every 4 weeks. I will grow a few females from seed, and keeping a few as mothers while using clones to flower. I'm not sure what the specs of my cloning/veg chamber will be.I was thinking of using an 8'x4' area to flower in (not including walkways). I would split the grow area into 2 4'x4' squares, with one square (16 plants) being harvested every 4 weeks. The plants would be potted in xyz soil in 3 gal bags, and will be spaced 1 plant/sqft. 2 600w HPS lights with Adjust-a-Wing reflectors will be used to light the area. I've attached a rough drawing of what im thinking.proposed fl1.jpg

My Questions:
1. Is a pound every 4 weeks an unreasonable expectation with this setup?
-If so, what would need to be changed (+ sqft, +lights, etc) to meet this goal?
2. What size would be good for a veg/clone chamber for this setup?
3. What would a good ventilation setup be for an operation like this?

Thanks in advance!!


Well-Known Member
Seems like you have a decent plan of attack,now I would suggest finding a plant that is valued SOG strain like Deadwood. 20-25 Deadwood plants under a 1k lamp,flowered at 12inches per plant can harvest 2lb which would bring up your total yield significantly. Circulation is a very important factor in making your grows really perform. Intake,exhaust or vented hoods,AC,dehumidifier,and osolation fans keep things in check. You can use a 1k veg lamp on a light track to illuminate the vast amount of SOG buckets needed for growth and to fill your lamps every month. This will save money and make for strong veg plants to hold up those juicy herbs. Fan formulating for grow room size is just like doing watts per square foot to find out if a lamp is suitable. If you don't know shoot me a pm and I will run it down. good luck on the grow!


Active Member
I would suggest finding a plant that is valued SOG strain like Deadwood. 20-25 Deadwood plants under a 1k lamp,flowered at 12inches per plant can harvest 2lb which would bring up your total yield significantly
The strains that I'm currently considering are Hindu Kush, Critical Plus, Purple Power Plant. I will definitely be growing a mainly indica strain.

Circulation is a very important factor in making your grows really perform. Intake,exhaust or vented hoods,AC,dehumidifier,and osolation fans keep things in check.
With a setup like this, what size ducting/fans should I get? 4", 6", or 8"? I plan on installing a carbon filter to remove odors during flowering. I was also wondering what type of fan is used where (in front of carbon filter vs booster fan etc). Lastly, if I had a 1000w HPS or 2 600's would I need to air-cool my hood?

Also, I wasn't planning on vegging my plants..... I was gonna cut clones, let them root for a week-ten days, then throw them into 12/12


Active Member
On your lighting question. I run two 600 over 32 plants. I run a exhaust and intake fans electronically controlled. My room is a steady 28c during day and 22c during night with a digital thermalstat. Some use air cooled hoods but i find the heat from lights help my overall temp of room


Well-Known Member
I'd use a passive intake and an 8" exhaust with 6" reflector exhaust cooling off both lights

I'd take intake air from neighboring rooms(unless you plan on conditioning outside air, inside air is most likely the temp you need) and exhaust to the outside.

You definitely want 2 different systems for main exhaust and reflector exhaust for reasons of room control, like an above user posted you will then have the option of leaving your light exhaust off if you need heat, like I have for the winters. Light exhaust for summers.

You want a hygrometer to monitor temps when your not there. You reset it once u record data(highs and lows) and then check the next day or 12 hours or whatever your interval is. This will give you a better idea of conditions you're working with.

Carbon filters work best pulling air thru them. I'd go with a 550 CFM fan for a room that size, one of the few things more is better in a grow. I have a 550 CFM in an 8x10 room and it works wonders. I get like 5 air changes a minute.

16 oz sounds reasonable out of 16 plants


New Member
what are u talking about???? pound a month w two lights ..sog.......????? huh??? straight from clone??? have u grown before?