SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
you are a craftsman my friend... a very valuable skill to have
Thanks FLoJo
i was never called that before

you fix the clone situation??

not yet
i was at the shop last night,
the clones shelf was empty; very sad

Do you have any plans to vent the spaces outside the walls of the grow room in the attic?
i will be most likely venting outside the attic
I've recently been considering venting inside the attic
to make the air circulate through the attic better

i was thinking of maybe running longer insulation ducts
and swirl it all through the attic with high velocity duct fan
by the time the air gets out on the the end it should be cold
that remains to be tested later on though

i have nothing to say.... cant figure out the right words.... only smilies

:hump: :hump:

sometime silence speaks louder than words :hug:


Well-Known Member
what you got planned for the weekend?

you should just drink 4 redbulls and eat 2 adderalls and get er' done:fire:


Well-Known Member
ya well white rocket fuel will make the job much faster than that rocket fuel... but your jaw and joints will hurt more LOL


Well-Known Member
not my cup of tea :wink:
SOG, you will need sunglasses and a hat with all that reflected light. The room is coming along. Are you doing your own electrical work too? Im studying the electrical panel setup and wiring for when I do the indoor grow. Cant wait to see. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Are you doing your own electrical work too?
Jack of all trades, master of none :bigjoint:
i already done my wiring,
run 2 x 110v 15amp, 2 x 110v 20amp, 2 x 220v 30amp
run a 50amp Gage cable ($h!t was expensive) from the main panel to the grow room
in case ill need more Joice in the future, i can expand to a sub panel

its all in my grow journal and my attic prep album

good luck with your project, we're here to help ;-)
and be very careful messing with live electricity



Well-Known Member
...chirp...chirp...chirp...I hear the crickets in here SoG. Any idea when those circus tents are going up and the big event begins? We are all anxiously waiting to see all that equipment you have mustered put to good use.

By the way...great job on getting the room ready. A LOT of work to do yourself. You call yourself a jack of all trades and a master of none, but I'd feel really comfortable working with you on just about any project I could think of. kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
...chirp...chirp...chirp...I hear the crickets in here SoG. Any idea when those circus tents are going up and the big event begins? We are all anxiously waiting to see all that equipment you have mustered put to good use.

By the way...great job on getting the room ready. A LOT of work to do yourself. You call yourself a jack of all trades and a master of none, but I'd feel really comfortable working with you on just about any project I could think of. kiss-ass
Thank you Shrike; my good friend
if all goes well i expect the tents to go up by the weekend
finished speckling the room last night,
waiting to dry, ill prob sand and paint tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Sounds great, buddy...I plan on buying the same tents later this year, so I am especially interested in seeing how all the equipment looks and sets up in them. Also looking to see if you run into any problems or shortcomings with them (hopefully these are minimal).

And six more pages to go and I can update the pdf of your journal to include the first 100 pages. See if you can beat Stink who is heading for 600 at which point I'll update his, also. You two guys have been the pot at the end of the to speak.:)

Thank you Shrike; my good friend
if all goes well i expect the tents to go up by the weekend
finished speckling the room last night,
waiting to dry, ill prob sand and paint tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Just curious SOG as to why you would even need the tents when you have an enclosed room? I dont see the advantage to having the tents in that custom room you built.


Well-Known Member
Just curious SOG as to why you would even need the tents when you have an enclosed room? I dont see the advantage to having the tents in that custom room you built.
initially didn't plan on building a room,
i realized the heat buildup in the attic is impossible to grow in
had to enclose the area in order to control conditions
each tent will operate under its own different environment conditions
now complimented by the house ambiance, instead of the attic's

the foil coating is for added safety and peace of mind
Hi SOG big props to all the work in the blueprints and research. I have been following this and it has been blowing me away kinda overwhleming but awesome anyways I wanted to know if you are gonna go with the new design with the valves for the misters on the outside all the reading i have been doing on this it only makes sense to have it that way to prevent some future problems. I am defintely going to try and set this up ASAP and would also like to know if you are going to do a blueprint for the new model with the misters outside going in. That would be the :joint:
