Soft Stem


Active Member
A few of my friend's plants having very soft stems even though they are about a foot tall. They are having trouble standing up. They are not flowering or anything, so they aren't very heavy at all. I couldn't find anything in the FAQ. What do you think the problem is?


Active Member
I remember that his soil mix was half MG potting soil and half peat moss. Could this have anything to do with it?


Active Member
it could because of too much stretching, just use a straw and tie it too it so it has some support & have a fan blowing on it.


Well-Known Member
lol...MG doesnt do that to plants. Most problems due to MG happens early in the grow, usually before flowering.

soft stems are usually due to overwatering, or bcuz the roots suck up more water than the growth up top can hold.

that happened to me not too long ago and my stem actually bent over like i had lst'd my plant. just let the soil dry out and keep a fan blowing to help dry the soil and strengthen the stem


Active Member
Okay thanks. I'll make sure he's not watering too much. I use MG soil too, so I didn't mean it was that just maybe too much peat that he added in himself.


Well-Known Member
yeah, hold the plants up straight with something supporting them..and bury up the the leaves so the plant's stem strengthens