SoCal 2011 First OutDoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up everyone this is my first outdoor grow out in Southern Cali
i got 1 Bubba Balls and 1 OG clone that i picked up from the Dispensary and 7 Bagseeds

i planted them in the beginning of June and i've been only feeding them bat guano

the bubba seems to be doing good but the OG isn't branching out at all and their both showing pre-flowers

i topped both of them about 1 week ago
heres some pics that i took about 2 weeks ago
im open to any advise



Well-Known Member
Looks good! I got a socal thread up as well seems to be more of us on here now every other day! lol. Were about in socal are you? I am near temecula riverside north county san diego OC lol. Got friends and family everywere.


Well-Known Member
yea i expected them to be alot bigger by now but it doesnt seem like their gonna get too big
but its okay tho i just pick up two 4 foot clones fire OG and Poison OG from a buddie of mine

but yea i live near temecula too i dont wanna say where because theres alot thieves where i live lol


Well-Known Member
those rocks are magic and they keep away the demons dont u know anything u idiot uhhhhhh gosh im out of tater tots


Well-Known Member
im using the rocks to support the plants because i just planted them outside about a week ago
they also retain moisture


Well-Known Member
my bubba was starting to get a lil bushy and i didnt want to snap any stems to put it into shock so i decided to tie down a couple branches with rocks

heres sum pics



and heres sum new pictures of my seedlings:

And my OG is finally starting to show progress:




Well-Known Member
yea i need to get some updated pics next time i go water them
and yea same with me i didnt plan nothin out just one day i thought about pickin up a couple clones

do you have any pictures of your bubba?


Well-Known Member
Heres an Update on my girls i just took these Pictures Yesterday
i've been feeding them The General Organics GO Line up for the past week now and they seem to be loving it.

i gave my Bubba Some MOAB and it Really Started Off its flowering pretty good
the rest of them seem like they have a week or 2 at the most left of Veg

Out of my 9 Bag Seeds Only 4 are left i tryed transplanting the 3 Big ones and it didnt work out to well they ended up dying right away:-( but so far 1 out of 4 is female the rest arent showing yet hopefully the big one is gonna be a female

i had to get some neem oil because grass hoppers were eating holes in my leafs but other than that everything seems to be going great:bigjoint:

so heres some pics

Poison OG:

Fire OG:


OG Kush:


