So who will the white priders follow


Ursus marijanus
Who the fuck cares? Nothing you or any country including ours can do anything about racism. Its a fucking moot topic that gets over used in this forum. Some people will always be racist get fucking over it.
I disagree with this sentiment. Racism CAN be undone, but it requires individuals to choose to raise their families that way. It's not an overnight process, but all honorable citizens and parents will do their bit. cn


Well-Known Member
So who do you think they will follow?
i don't know, I know very fucking little about "white groups" I have never ran into a single one in my entire life and I have spent most of it in the deep south. I have seen racism from all colors and nationalities, there isn't a fucking thing anyone can do about it. It like sitting around debating that the population is too large in a country what the fuck are you going to do kill them all?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It's plainly obvious that they're gonna start a campaign of pandering to the "democrat base".
If by base you mean "niggers and spics" then the pilot light will go out in Hell before that happens. Racism is firmly ensconced in the GOP. Possibly permanently. I'm thinking the GOP was dealt a mortal blow during this election.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with this sentiment. Racism CAN be undone, but it requires individuals to choose to raise their families that way. It's not an overnight process, but all honorable citizens and parents will do their bit. cn
First of all religion has to go but I agree and it will happen sitting around whining will not speed it up. Realistically it will takes centuries for racism to be eradicated.


There is no valid definition of "race". There is no such thing as a different species of human. Our genome is identical in every human. An educated person would know this so it makes perfect sense that the concept of the "white race" is spoken between people who are totally uneducated (ignorant or just stupid). Unlike the rest of life on earth, made up of species, families genus, etc, the human is a singularity (that means we are "one" type for those of you who dropped out of grammar school) and unique unto itself. It's kinda fun to read or listen to people using the word "race" in conversation. It certainly reminds me that there are still people around who will be washing my car. I realize it is difficult to accept that one of your relatives (we are all related) was born with a bigger box of crayons but unfortunately for white people (like myself) there were people of color long before (about 10.2 million years) there were people born lacking the necesary cells to reflect white. Also, maybe you've been misinformed but you dont need to hate everybody but yourself just to grow some wild looking facial hair and get a swastika tattoo. You can just as easily have the "I must be a fucking idiot" look and still love everybody. The good news is most ignorant and uneducated people tend to end their gene pools much sooner than those who enjoy the good life, meaning that we should only have to tolerate these pasty white morphodytes for a few more generations as eventually they will snuff themselves out of existence.


Ursus marijanus
First of all religion has to go but I agree and it will happen sitting around whining will not speed it up. Realistically it will takes centuries for racism to be eradicated.
While I am not religious, I am unaware of a major religion that is racist. Judaism could conceivably be, with their concept of hereditary membership, but their history militates against all but a small minority (!) embracing that stupidity.
The other side of that coin is Germany. They have a marvelously unracist society now, less than a century after their collective foray into the racist extreme. So decades, not centuries. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
While I am not religious, I am unaware of a major religion that is racist.Judaism could conceivably be, with their concept of hereditary membership, but their history militates against all but a small minority (!) embracing that stupidity. The other side of that coin is Germany. They have a marvelously unracist society now, less than a century after their collective foray into the racist extreme. So decades, not centuries. Jmo. cn
I have never been to Germany but I doubt all racism has been stripped from the country. I have however been to much of Asia, Australia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Canada . Racism is in all those places with many shades of color. Ironically the more people try to fast track it the worse it seems to get. I have seen so much racist shit the last 10 years the the preceding 20.


Ursus marijanus
I have never been to Germany but I doubt all racism has been stripped from the country. I have however been to much of Asia, Australia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Canada . Racism is in all those places with many shades of color. Ironically the more people try to fast track it the worse it seems to get. I have seen so much racist shit the last 10 years the the preceding 20.
Oh, there's some. They have their crusty old Archie Bunkers, and they have tension between the locals and the "guest workers" who come mostly from Tuyrkey and North Africa. But it's apparently being kept from being anything but marginal. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
This thread is racist black white I'm tired of this shit. so many people are blinded by this bullshit but the new generation has hope thank god for hip hop.


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to figure out why white people who are proud of their race will be upset about this? And what do you mean by” white priders”? Are you confused? Do you think having pride in your race somehow makes you a racist? Everyone should feel a sense of pride in their race or lifestyle..
Is your Fred Durst avatar ironic?