So what is actually happening in Colorado and Washington??


Well-Known Member
I figure there are probably at least several members on here who are residents of these states that recently legalized pot for recreational use, so maybe some of them can tell me (or whoever else may find it interesting) what is actually happening (if anything) in their hometowns in regards to legality of this stuff we love to smoke and eat.

When should I start looking for a bungalow in Boulder??


Well-Known Member
To me it looks exactly the same as it did 6 months ago.
There will be no where to buy smoke for probably a year.
No one is blazing up in the middle of the town or anything like that.
I`m sure there were plenty of people who got extra baked when it happened
but by extra I mean the same amount they already would have.
Pretty much looks the same but I`m really out of the loop so I could be missing something.


Well-Known Member
Starting in Jan dispo's (dispensaries) have the option of staying Medical-Marijuana stores who will only sell to red card holders, or to switch to General public who will sell to peoples over 21. No smoking in public still, but select private establishments may provide a smoking section.

Even with the legalization I would suggest getting a red card, General public dispo's will sell out very fast and are rumored to be selling mainly "shwappy" buds. The highest grade marijuana will still be found MAINLY at MMJ stores. 200 bucks and claiming you favor eating over smoking your weed will get you a high plant count. Ive got 20 legal plants and can carry 12oz legally. Red Card is still the way to go in CO.


Well-Known Member
Lots of smoking. I'm hoping that so many people will come these two states to smoke out, that the extra attention and money (from sales, and tourism) will force other states to follow suit.


Well-Known Member
Not sure But I do not think you can drink out on the street here either.
There will be no smoking in bars or other establishments according to the link.


Well-Known Member
Children are getting potted up and driving through cub scout meetings.
There are pot needles every where sticking people and giving them aids.
Funions are going for $17 a bag.


Well-Known Member
I dont think anybody will stop you from smoking a couple bowls or something like that at a relatively private BBQ, just like they wouldn't if you had some beers...

The Growery

Active Member
Starting in Jan dispo's (dispensaries) have the option of staying Medical-Marijuana stores who will only sell to red card holders, or to switch to General public who will sell to peoples over 21. No smoking in public still, but select private establishments may provide a smoking section.

Even with the legalization I would suggest getting a red card, General public dispo's will sell out very fast and are rumored to be selling mainly "shwappy" buds. The highest grade marijuana will still be found MAINLY at MMJ stores. 200 bucks and claiming you favor eating over smoking your weed will get you a high plant count. Ive got 20 legal plants and can carry 12oz legally. Red Card is still the way to go in CO.
dam their rules are tighter there than michigan. with 5 patients and myself, I'm allowed to possess 15 oz. at any one time.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if anything changed..but in the past you could possess more if you said u cooked with it...still silly, I can go buy four kegs of beer...why not be able to have four elbows.