So, what exactly happened to my buds?


Guys, i've been growing these for 4-5 months. I have 4 females, which started flowering around a month ago. I had a friend help me with all the growing, and i managed to raise the kids to a reasonable size (yes, they are small, but i think thats ok for a first timer). Thing is, a while ago, the hairs of my flowers started to turn brownish. I asked a friend, and he said i should wait for about 50 more days. I was ok with that, since the buds are very small, but is it ok for them to be turning brown so fast?

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Looks about right, at least 4 weeks, probably more. The hair color turn is strain related, doesn't sound out of the ordinary.


Yeah, comparing to other pictures, the buds look ridiculously small, and i bet they are... i wonder if they are going to grow to become one of those monsters i usually see in pics. Or at least close...
I got scared because i could probably say the brown hairs are somewhere around 20% of the total, and people usually say to harvest at 50-50, and they are still so small... well, i will keep feeding them, then! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Brown hairs doesn't necessarily mean brown trichs, which is the harvest target for many. You'll need a loupe/scope to check those out. Might make you feel better to do it sooner than later.