So someones tryin to robb my plants!!


Well-Known Member
thats why i couldnt grow outside i would be to worried and if i caught somebody messing with my shit i would end up in jail


New Member
Last nite i was in my room at about 2 am window open. I thought i heard sticks break(forest behind my house), then i heard footsteps in my back yard. Then i heard the fence shake like someone was tryin to hopp the fence, that was when my dog came out full tilt, growlin and barkin and scared them away, all i heard was people runnin back into the woods. Now I dont really know what i should do, i would just leave them there but my dog isn't always outside at night. Maybe digg them up and plant them in a pot so then can be put somewhere safe at night? Theres alot of punks where i live:twisted:
Any suggestion would be great
id fuckin beat the fuck out of them if i caught them. with a fuckin bat. make them wish theyy never tried to steal ur shit. thats fucked up


Active Member
No lights it would be easeir for other punks to seem them, or even worse snoopy neighbors that could call the cops. And i wouldn't use bear traps sounds like a blood bath thats the last thing you want in your backyard.
I would bring them inside.
Are your plants flowering yet?
Do you have a light you can use for an inside grow?
Do you stay home during the day?
(you could bring them in just during the nights and keep them outside with your dog during the day).

420 420 420

Active Member
on the real get motion detectors because i know i wont go into a yard that has just lit up like a stadium...get motion detector lights

i too grow outside and i like it that way but people trying to steal; them is a bad thing, i kno id kill sum1 if i caught them in my yard stealin bud


Well-Known Member
sounds like you know who they are,

you might want to get like one of those driveway alarms that rings in your house when the path is crossed our like one of those vibration alarms and put it on your fence

I would also buy a sign maybe saying the area is under video survailence and maybe a beware of dog sign:mrgreen:

or just tell those fools that you cant smoke a plant that is not flowered


Well-Known Member
if u know who they are find them and scare em so they wont want to come back ya feel me thats what i would do atleast


Well-Known Member
Motion lights sound like a good idea but having lights turn on at night near your plants could interrupt your flowering dark cycle. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I think the light would be a good deterent. They wouldn't have to be near the plants but near enoght for them to go on and be noticed. I'm sure I would jump as fuck if I was about to steal some plants and I seen a light go on...

Fish hooks is definitly the next best tool. Buddy used to have a problem with ppl trying to get in his car, he put a bunch odf small barbed fish hooks under his door handle, one poor bugger left some flesh while trying to run from him!!


Well-Known Member
All sound like good ideas, I have a good idea of who the goof is, the same punk that was on my hockey team a while back and the same kid who robbed 2 small plants from me in the spring. hes already been warned but i think hes at the point where he just doesnt give a fuck, just wait till i chase him through the bush with a bat and my pellet gun. I got most of it sorted out my only concern now is the plant is already sticking about 6 inches over a 6 foot fence. Im concerned some fagget mite reach over and snapp off the crown buds since it would be easy. I got the rest of my plants potted and they can be put somewhere safe at night. But my biggest plant is planted right in the ground, maybe i should digg her up and pot it in a large tub, prolly would be the easiest thing to do.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
well id go for bear traps man. it isnt gunna be a blood bath its just going to spill little blood and you can still put roasted coffee grains to cover the smell.


Well-Known Member
No lights it would be easeir for other punks to seem them, or even worse snoopy neighbors that could call the cops. And i wouldn't use bear traps sounds like a blood bath thats the last thing you want in your backyard.
I would bring them inside.
Are your plants flowering yet?
Do you have a light you can use for an inside grow?
Do you stay home during the day?
(you could bring them in just during the nights and keep them outside with your dog during the day).
The plants started flowering about 10 days ago now, i cant bring them inside as i have no lights and they are too big for any closet. Thats what im thinkin i might do is bring them in a night or put them somewhere safe then back out in the daytime. I have a nice high deck to use surrounded by trees and whatnot but im afraid they dont get enough direct sunlight when there up there.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Get a baby monitor and stuff some shotgun shells with rocksalt so you don't kill anybody.... If you hear something coming give em a blast.


Well-Known Member
If you think you know the person and you want to literally catch them red handed, go buy a package of Rit Dye. It is a super concentrated powdered dye that you add to water to dye carpet. Sprinkle some of this powder on the top of the fence that they would have to climb over to get to your plant, if they have any moisture on their hands, it will stain the hell out of their hands for at least a few days.
With regards to planning for next year, natural fences are very effective, ie thorn bushes, poison ivy.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
well heres what i say...i dont know if this has been suggested..if you have a metal fence this works best but you can mount wires alound whatever the fence is made of..what you do is take a few car batteries an hook them up to some jumper cables then put the jumperson the fence...bam electric fence...they wont fuck with that can also use a 120volt wall plug if you take a long extension cord cut one end off expose the wires wrap it arond the fence an plug it in....this is how we take of illigles sneakin across the border an threw peoples proptery's around i know it works...peace