So I've gotten this far..Could use some solid advice.


Active Member
Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by my thread. I'd like to thank anyone in advance for the help they can give, I really appreciate it.

So, I've got three plants growing in an 18 gallon tote in FFOF soil under a 400W setup. I've been using Advanced Nutes and have had a few problems with this setup due to improper drainage/salt build up and/or improper Ph. The plants have recovered, but one suffered some pretty bad leaf stunting and death as you will be able to see in the pictures.

Basically I'm just gonna post some pics and I'll make a list below of some things that have come to mind. If you have any experience with any of the things I post feel free to reply. If not, post some other advice about something i didn't list. Everyone knows something and I'm interested in it all so give me whatever you got. Thanks again everybody!

-How does the basic structure of my plants look? I tried to get some good pics of the canopy, stems etc..

-Do the plants look ready to be put into flower and should I at this point?

-I was considering Scrog throughout this grow but never really implemented it, i have a pretty strong canopy now, should i give it a go or is it too late?

-If you answered "No or 'It's too late now buddy'.." to the above post, What should I do to maximize my yield this grow? I've started noticing that the lowest leaves are starting to become so blocked out by the canopy that they are starting to yellow and wilt. ( This is why I am strongly considering just throwing them into flower now as I know that they will stretch quite a bit.)

That's all i can think of for now, I'm sure there's more, but I'll add to it as I get answers.

Thank you so much for your help or advice.


Active Member
I would veg this plant more but i'm curious to know why this plant is soooo short. For it to be in a 60 gallon pot, i was expecting to see atleast a 5 foot plant. Are you growing 3 plants in one container? Your plants would do so much more better especially vegging if they were in seperate containers. They're basically competing for the same space :(


Active Member
I would veg this plant more but i'm curious to know why this plant is soooo short. For it to be in a 60 gallon pot, i was expecting to see atleast a 5 foot plant. Are you growing 3 plants in one container? Your plants would do so much more better especially vegging if they were in seperate containers. They're basically competing for the same space :(
Im sorry it's a 18 gallon container, and the spaces are separated I didn't need these plants getting HUGE I guess and I needed it to be easily moveable etc..However, i do wish i just threw them into separate containers because I think that was why i had my drainage/ph/nutrient issue. Also, these plants seem to be naturally very short and i don't see a huge problem with it. I have also done quite a bit of training to keep them growing out. You say you would veg more, but for what specific reasoning?

Thanks so much for the reply.


Well-Known Member
So does your plants/soil have REALLY GOOD drainage now? You want that water flow on through. As far as nutes go, the biggest thing i can say is DONT over nute! I always try to get it a little less then i think i should. PH that puppy between 5.8 and 6.5 and water thoroughly. Any leaves that are wilting and yellowing right now, pick em off. Now about the scrog, i say do it! Build a good size screen (somewhere between 4-6sqft.), fix it over them ladies and veg till its almost full. Exactly how full depends on many factors. What kind of strain are they? The more sativa they are, the sooner you flip. Also soil vs hydro too, but that doesn't apply here. Anyway, If they are mostly sativa, for soil i like to flip when the screen is 80%-ish full. For mostly indicas i basically fill all the way. Continue to tuck the branches under for the first week or so, or until the screens full, then let her go. Super fun and good yielding way to grow.... all just my .02 cents.


Active Member
So does your plants/soil have REALLY GOOD drainage now? You want that water flow on through. As far as nutes go, the biggest thing i can say is DONT over nute! I always try to get it a little less then i think i should. PH that puppy between 5.8 and 6.5 and water thoroughly. Any leaves that are wilting and yellowing right now, pick em off. Now about the scrog, i say do it! Build a good size screen (somewhere between 4-6sqft.), fix it over them ladies and veg till its almost full. Exactly how full depends on many factors. What kind of strain are they? The more sativa they are, the sooner you flip. Also soil vs hydro too, but that doesn't apply here. Anyway, If they are mostly sativa, for soil i like to flip when the screen is 80%-ish full. For mostly indicas i basically fill all the way. Continue to tuck the branches under for the first week or so, or until the screens full, then let her go. Super fun and good yielding way to grow.... all just my .02 cents.
Awesome, thanks for the great advice +rep to you. Yeah i made sure to get a lot of holes in the bottom of the tote so all the plants are getting good drainage. I was only giving 1/4 strength and 1/2 strength feedings, but I was mixing it up and feeding in a 1 liter pitcher and then watering over that if that makes a difference? I'll be sure to get going on that screen, I'm thinking about a 3x3 should be just right. How do you think the plants look as of right now? And do they look more sative or indica to you? I haven't looked into It guess, I got the seeds from a friend, I know they're legit.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a PPM meter? as in do you know what ppm you feeding them? That"ll tell ya. And do you know the name of the strain? Thanks by the way.


Active Member
Do you have a PPM meter? as in do you know what ppm you feeding them? That"ll tell ya. And do you know the name of the strain? Thanks by the way.
No I have one on the way now, along with some other goodies. I wasn't fully prepaared for this grow. Never gave me a name, at least i can't remember. It was a while back.

Blunt Master Flex

Active Member
Don't remove the leaves showing deficiencies!
What are the dimensions of that tote? They look ready to be flowered under a 400 to me.
BTW, they look very healthy.


Active Member
Don't remove the leaves showing deficiencies!
What are the dimensions of that tote? They look ready to be flowered under a 400 to me.
BTW, they look very healthy.
Thanks Flex, I thought so as well..I figure with a 400 any bigger would be inefficent. The tote is 24x16x16.5 inches, 18 gallons. I havent removed any leaves besides the ones that were easy to pull at the very bottom that were flopping in the soil and completely yellow. I heard removing those was okay.

I have a few questions for you. First off, What is this?!

I saw this today and i'm dreading these problems affect on my yield! It was only on one side of the plant. the very right side of my farthest right plant. The only difference i can see is the fan is on that side, but it's been on the same setting I believe. I also forgot to have the heater on and its been getting very cold at night. So cold I've been getting some purple stems. Heaters in there now for the night time. Any Ideas?

Also, I dont have a 400W HPS Bulb anymore because it shorted out the 2nd day i used it. I'm on a slim budget at this point. Would it be better to flower with a cheap HPS bulb or my Really high quality MH bulb that include a bit of red spectrum as well with the highest lumens for a 400w MH that I've seen. I've heard of people with really good buds under strictly MH, but some say it kills yield etc.. I'd like to know the truth with some evidence or experience behind it.

Blunt Master Flex

Active Member
It definitely looks like a deficiency, what/how much are you feeding them? And how cold does it get in there?
A MH that is made for growing plants is gonna have much more useful light for the plants than a HPS that isn't made for growing. I don't have experience with flowering with halides, but I do know that 99% of bulbs that aren't made for growing are crap.


Active Member
It definitely looks like a deficiency, what/how much are you feeding them? And how cold does it get in there?
A MH that is made for growing plants is gonna have much more useful light for the plants than a HPS that isn't made for growing. I don't have experience with flowering with halides, but I do know that 99% of bulbs that aren't made for growing are crap.
I've seen some legit growth with a MH during flower, we'll see I guess. I've been feeding Jungle Juice 1/4-1/2 strength every other watering once or twice a week.


Active Member
They responded really well to a good feeding and they are back on track with growth. The canopy is starting to look really nice and full and I'm turning to flower very soon I think. Unless someone can convince me otherwise with some good reasoning :P I'm still interested in any advice that anyone can give and I can post hella pictures if need be so let me know. Thanks again guys.

Blunt Master Flex

Active Member
My friend had an awesome grow with Sun Pulse bulbs, I think those are halides.
Anyhow, those are ready to flower. From the day you start flowering them til 2-3 weeks later they will stretch a whole lot, a 400w isn't gonna be able to penetrate very deep into the canopy.
Hope everything goes smooth!


Active Member
My friend had an awesome grow with Sun Pulse bulbs, I think those are halides.
Anyhow, those are ready to flower. From the day you start flowering them til 2-3 weeks later they will stretch a whole lot, a 400w isn't gonna be able to penetrate very deep into the canopy.
Hope everything goes smooth!
Hey, thanks for staying tuned, tonight will be their first night in darkness for 12 hours. Any ideas on how to maximize yield..I imagine getting light to all those sites under the canopy would help quite a bit?