so..i've got a bagseed plant under cfl's...


Well-Known Member
Yeah that is correct your not suppose too. The clones I have were cut from a plant flowering but was my only choice to have all females it worked out fine for me(extra 4 weeks of growing to reveg them). I was saying when you sex them you can sex them before flowering sometimes. If you veg long enough they will show pre-flowers(if female). Males usually show their sex first.

Another thing a lot of people do is cut a clone of each plant and root it then force it into flower to sex the plant.

Yeah I was suggesting if your pretty sure it's a female or has pre flowers then clone them and you can store them up to 2-3 months.


Active Member
Yeah man, what I really need to do is get a flower area set up so I can put Gertie on 12/12 by herself just to verify sex, then throw her back in veg for a little bit..but it looks like I wont be making any major changes to the set up until I get my tax return, Christmas has pretty much depleted my bank account. But I might be able to throw a few more bulbs in there this weekend. So, I could put her on 12/12, verify sex and if its female, throw her back in veg and start cuttin clones?


Well-Known Member
Whts up newdude looking good man i'm subbed. You can actually clone a plant at any stage before harvest I have 3 Bubba Kush clones I cut frm a friend of mines plant after she had been in flower about a month and he has clones of my very first grow/harvest tht I did over the summer and I took them when they were well over a month into flower and they are actually tryin to take over his grow box now one had so many bud sites we had to cut some off to make sure the plants got enough air circulation and I have those clones in partycups now and they are growing fast. If I were you I would take a cutting of each plant and find an old lamp invest in a y spliter and put a cfl of boath 2700k and 6500k in it and see wht you get atleast this way you'll know if all your time and hard work was worth it. And if they are female you can just let em keep growing and have a lil taste of whts to come.


Active Member
Hey Mr.HIghlyfe...nice to have ya. Yeah, thanks man..I'm tryin my best with what little I'm working with right now. I think that's what I'm gonna do...try to set up the top shelf in my area with just enough light to keep some cuttings alive for awhile, and add some more 6500k bulbs to the area I'm using right now, reconfigure the lights and put together a hood, and get some of the worklight reflectors for some side lighting. I see alot of people using the reflectors that position the bulb so that you only get light from the end of the bulb, I want the ones where the bulb lays horizontal. I'm gonna get some type of mylar for the hood, I think. I have 3 plants under these lights right now, so hopefully one of them is a chick. I'm really hoping gertie is a female, cuz I really hate to waste all the time training just to have a male. But, I guess thats part of using bagseed. I knew that when I started. Theyre all looking pretty good, and I keep forgetting to take pics until its after lights out and I cant go in there. I'll hopefully have some this evening. Thanks again everybody for stopping in, I'll go thru later and rep everybody. -newd.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man if you can turn them so tht the side of the cfls are exposed to your plants the sides give off more light than tha ends


Active Member
it just kinda makes sense to me that youd wanna use the most surface area of the bulb that you can. I've seen them used both ways though.


Well-Known Member
Bulbs are different to a point via their manufactures some are made to be used vertical. It's all really your preference I have done both and really not a lot of difference, like you said I think using more surface area makes sense so that's what i do. Do the beer can reflectors with mylar inserted bro they work good and are easy to adjust light direction. you can use them horizontal too. Yeah holidays deleting my cash too lol


Active Member
Yeah I almost forgot about those can rigs, yeah I can save a little money goin that route for now. I need to get on that shit, It's kinda hectic around here with the holidays coming up and all.
Anyway here's a little pic UPDATE:

kjkj 021.jpgkjkj 019.jpgkjkj 020.jpgkjkj 022.jpgkjkj 018.jpgkjkj 023.jpgkjkj 024.jpg

All of them are doing good, I topped C.C since the last update, and bent her over to start training. I've given Gertie a mild haircut, and some more tying down to train around the edge. I thought planting her a little more toward one side of the pot would help with LST, but I wont be doing that anymore, it would've been better centered. And Natalie, the runt is even picking up the pace a little. As always, any comments, questions or suggestions are welcome.


Well-Known Member
That's interesting man, thanks, it just seemed to me that you'd have more coverage using the side of the bulb..
Yeah bud...saw this subject in a thread and decided to check it out. I have a light meter so why not. Now the side of the light, due to its greater length, has an overall area that puts out more light...but the intensity is the same regardless of where it comes from on the light. Kind of like comparing a flashlight beam and a tube of equal intensity. The flashlight will focus its light on a smaller area compared to the bulb.


Active Member
Yeah bud...saw this subject in a thread and decided to check it out. I have a light meter so why not. Now the side of the light, due to its greater length, has an overall area that puts out more light...but the intensity is the same regardless of where it comes from on the light. Kind of like comparing a flashlight beam and a tube of equal intensity. The flashlight will focus its light on a smaller area compared to the bulb.
So it would be beneficial to use your main lighting on their side, and maybe some of the side lighting on end, to target specific areas...that sound about right?


Well-Known Member
Have you used any nutes yet? I usually start to use really weak nutes after the round leaves fall off unless the soil has fertilizer then I wouldn't do until at least 2 months in.


Active Member
Nah no ferts in the soil other than what might b naturally in the compost i mix in...and yeah the bigger two have been getting mild nutes at 1/4 strength.


Active Member's some shit my mom had for growing tomatoes...its all nitrogen right now. Whitney farms 8-0-0. Im gonna switch to something better soon. or maybe mix.


Well-Known Member
That works bro. I think tomatoes are one of the closest things to cannabis. that MG 30-10-10 I was looking at it lol I mixed it wrong this time around why my plants got over fertilized. Do you PH your water? I never have in passed grows because I use to have cistern and caught rain water so it was like what they'd get if they were outside. I put in city water this summer and.... they don't like it. I've noticed a nice spurt in growth rate since I've been keeping the PH around 6.5-6.8 though so definitely worth it. You know where the local hydro shops are right? I didn't know we had any until this year LOL