So, it's just now October and...


Well-Known Member
...they've already been shoving all the xmas crap down our throats for 2 weeks.

Sure, the advertising isn't being bashed into your skull yet, but it's coming.

So far I have seen Christmas Vacation, Lost in Paradise, an episode of Robot Chicken with xmas crap. Family Guy (the one where Lois freaks out over xmas and Stewie plays Jesus in the pageant).

There has been more, but I just can't remember specifically what right now.

Anyone else noticing this?


Well-Known Member
Nope, but Christmas is a time where everyone seems happy and there's cool lights around, you should be stoked they are trying to bring the happy in early


Well-Known Member
I like christmas season, I hate the holiday itself. I think I like thanksgiving better because its not shoved up my ass and down my throat repeatedly for a quarter of the year. I'm not walking through town hearing 12 different thanksgiving songs mashing together in the open air driving me insane. And I hate the color red so I'm pretty much like a pissed off bull walking around wild eyed and confused. I like how much better everyone treats each other around that time of the year, though.


Well-Known Member
I love the Holidays ,,, So Bring it on... Although I dont look forward to our heating costs this winter , My tank is filled and Ive yet to turn on the heat, But the windows are getting closed at night now .. Its dipping into the low 40's here at night


New Member
Christmas is the shit....... I love shopping for gifts too..... Of course I don't get the excitement I got when I was a little kid... But I truly believe that all of the positive energy of the people creates 'The Christmas Spirit' .. which is why it's such a beautiful time of year.....

But yeah the freezing temps aren't the best...


Well-Known Member
Christmas is the shit....... I love shopping for gifts too..... Of course I don't get the excitement I got when I was a little kid... But I truly believe that all of the positive energy of the people creates 'The Christmas Spirit' .. which is why it's such a beautiful time of year.....

But yeah the freezing temps aren't the best...
I have a present for you .....:-P


Well-Known Member
I hate Christmas. It is commercialized beyond belief. I feel for the parents that are just making it...paycheck to paycheck....then their kids see all the commercialism and hound their parents to buy stuff they really can't afford.....
I love winter, I love the smells of a fire in the fireplace and all that good stuff...I hate seeing stressed out parents walking in the malls with that look on their face, 'what am I gong to do for Johnny??' Sad....


Well-Known Member
Fuck it it only comes around once a year ..I go all out .. My kids love it and I start saving and buying stuff during the summer that way when it gets here its not like a major hit in the pocketbook..


Well-Known Member
Vette when my kids were little and believed, I went all out...When they got older and knew the truth, I stopped....They like cash and more cash....which is fine by me...I stuff their stockings with money now, easy on me. I hate going out to the malls during the 'rush' it is crazy.
Fuck it it only comes around once a year ..I go all out .. My kids love it and I start saving and buying stuff during the summer that way when it gets here its not like a major hit in the pocketbook..