So i just aced an 8th of mushrooms.


New Member
Gobbled em up.

Gobble Gobble.:mrgreen:

got another half ounce in my speaker...

might get messy

i might eat them all.

[update] i can already feel a case of giggles comin on from anticipation :)


New Member
yo talk about your crash course in bad trips.

all hood for the first hour of tripping

then :spew:

no more hoodness.

my hood was removed.

then lit on fire and gunned down

hour later im fine. cRAZY shakes CRAZY vomiting. never had this happen before:evil: ive had these same mushrooms before too:evil:

fuckin ANYWAYS a bong rip was the SOUL thing (aside from my beautiful girlfriend of course) that kept me from losing my shit.

So in the end thank GOD for weed:blsmoke:

And thank him for titties too.:mrgreen:


New Member
didnt read the part about the bad trip didja? :-/ normally air tastes...delicious!

that shit had me shakin...



New Member
lifes dealt me a bad hand at the moment, been gettin hit around every corner...gunna try and stabalize myself...had to stop my outdoor grow, and indoor aswell.:-? im really not happy with it, but it has to happen.


Well-Known Member
dam man i got raided not long ago but i got riad of everythink b4 they got here, so we will see more of ya ?