So I have this basement..dirt floor


Well-Known Member
Don't dig into the dirt floor of the basement, if that's what your plan was. Level out the ground, grab a tent or section off an area so that they can be light isolated and in their own environment. Then use the rest of the space for your clones


Well-Known Member
That basement looks like it's pretty damp. Ceiling looks low. One could put a RDWC setup in ground, but it will take a lot of work. It would save vertical space and help keep the root zone cool.

I would seriously put some orca or panda film up on all the walls and ceiling, not just for reflection but also to keep things cleaner.


Well-Known Member
One could put a RDWC setup in ground, but it will take a lot of work.
Depending on the age of the building there may not actually be anything beside that compact dirt keeping the foundation in check, the more you disturb the dirt the higher chance you have of cracking the foundation. Looking at that back wall shes been through some rough times already.

If you wanna dig, maybe have someone professional come ensure that disturbing the dirt inst going to bring the walls down haha


Well-Known Member
Depending on the age of the building there may not actually be anything beside that compact dirt keeping the foundation in check, the more you disturb the dirt the higher chance you have of cracking the foundation. Looking at that back wall shes been through some rough times already.

If you wanna dig, maybe have someone professional come ensure that disturbing the dirt inst going to bring the walls down haha
Yeah you are probably right, probably not such a great idea unless a slab and footings is gonna be in play.

I would do a sog myself bro it's just not enough height for 4 plants to yield big.
Very good idea.


Well-Known Member
Unless you have hella good air exchange and ventilation you are going to have issues. Especially with molds.


Well-Known Member
If there is a window or vents you should be able to sort out enough air exchange.

The ghetto option would involve buying cheap white plastic sheeting and some three by three wood. Sheeting will do as floor walls but id not bother with the roof - safer that way too incase it falls on the light.

Carbon filter inline and some cheap hps hung from the roof.

Everything will be a work in progress but great grow ops arent built in a day :-)


Well-Known Member
Mildew and mold . I would level as best you can , get rolls of moisture blocking poly and lay out , lay some flat brick step stones as a “ slab “ shape for size of proportional tent .

Hang a temp / humidity in center to monitor ambient conditions as a base reading , then work from there. Proper venting will be the next on the order.
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Well-Known Member
I'd build a grow room. Paint it white. Or at least go with pallets & grow tents. Level surface to start.

Space looks low, so I'd go scrog. Figure out ventilation to outside & lighting. If no vents, maybe use co2.

It's gonna be a big investment. Time & money for what you want.

If you're just starting & want to get your feet wet, get a 600w hid light set up & some fox farm ocean forest & start growing. Read up a little more, & be prepared to invest more time n money.


Well-Known Member
Tent, and run ducting to nearest ventilation.
Level the floor. Scrog or SOG.
Will help with odor control too.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4305586

So I want at least 4 good yeilders down here, maybe 1-3 mothers n some

What’s a solid game plan from what we’re looking at here
Looks like you have about 6' of headroom? SOG would work.
Hang reflective or white material on the walls and across the opening so you have darkness for flower.
Lay strips of rolled roofing material on the floor to keep dampness out of the area.
Ventilation as needed.