So here is some crazy Stuff - rapid seed germination?


Well-Known Member
my mate gave me some seeds that would not germ so ill try this plus they were free so yeah plus post photo to see if there work


Active Member
LOL hey Im back wheres thos pics of those lush plants from boiled seeds ?? heeee Its ok to wish u guys but sorry Its not gonna happen lol.


Active Member
it may not be relevant but there are quite alot of seeds that respond well to boiling. It simulates a bushfire. im in aus, we got lots of natives that loved to have their seeds boiled.
I can't say that I have ever actually boiled them...BUT, I do use a version of the paper towel method (with amazing success because I have small, deft fingers), where I put them in a folded/moist towel, then put that in a plastic sandwich bag, then stuff the lot into my computer case. The excess heat from the electronics provides a steady heat that has always seemed to make them pop faster. (I'm impatient, so I regularly call them bad if it takes as much as a week or more).

(By the way, thanks for the rep Pasta)


Well-Known Member
update: they all failed. but oh well, i have more bagseed to waste, so i will try again sometime, using quicker(shorter) boiling times. i dont know how long they boiled in the first place but it intrigues me none the less.