So about Miracle gro...

Jmayne Chronic

Well-Known Member
everybody swears up and down that its a notorious for killing plants and is a no-no...but strangly im in the middle of a grow with a buddy, we're using MG potting mix, HAVE ADDED NO NUTES AT ALL!!!!:) and we are in day two of 12/12 with little nute burn, except on 3 plants out of 22, and the rest are as healthy as can be, me and him are gunna post pics after we get in a couple weeks into flowering and sexing. Im just saying, maybe it was just a poorly circulated rumor that turned into a snowballed legend, i wanna hear opinions.


Well-Known Member
I used mg on my first few grows and the only prob i had was that my bottom sets of leaves kept dying off.


Well-Known Member
mg is fine if you dont over nute the can't just chuck a plant in it and start using some feed chart that says 1.8 ec because it comes with fert in it.sounds like you guys got it down.


Active Member
im one of the victims of MG moisture control... it says slow release nute but they overloaded my babys when they were to young... ive learned from that point to were i am now and it seems to work for me when i mix 50% MG 50% good old top soil


Well-Known Member
Mg is fine, just mix it with perlite at 75/25 or 50/50. Only problem is the distribution of those little time release balls. If you get more in one pot than the other then it may get over fert'ed. just remember flushing them actually releases more nutes in the soil. So go easy on watering amounts when they are young.

Jmayne Chronic

Well-Known Member
I used mg on my first few grows and the only prob i had was that my bottom sets of leaves kept dying off.
Ya that was a problem, couldnt get any good fan leaves on some of them for 3-4 weeks

mg is fine if you dont over nute the can't just chuck a plant in it and start using some feed chart that says 1.8 ec because it comes with fert in it.sounds like you guys got it down.
thanks, we believe we do, but like i said litterally nothing at all was added just water with PH correcting tabs added a couple weeks in.

im one of the victims of MG moisture control... it says slow release nute but they overloaded my babys when they were to young... ive learned from that point to were i am now and it seems to work for me when i mix 50% MG 50% good old top soil
haha ya we're growing bagseeds weve been saving for a while at this moment lol our strains are extremly varied, lemme guess you had some predom indicas? i had the same prob the distribution of the nutes were terrible.

Mg is fine, just mix it with perlite at 75/25 or 50/50. Only problem is the distribution of those little time release balls. If you get more in one pot than the other then it may get over fert'ed. just remember flushing them actually releases more nutes in the soil. So go easy on watering amounts when they are young.
in vegging we started off with 32 oz styro cups individually so each cup had a different amount of those nute balls, so some of the more sativa looking ones had severe defieciency in the nitrogen department, and the indica looking ones had some nute burn, they were so stunted because of the size of the cups, it was all a mess so after 4 weeks vegging we just transplanted them into a large tote and soakedem. in about a week they doubled in size so im guessing the combination of the root extension and spreading of the nute balls really perkedem up.

Jmayne Chronic

Well-Known Member
also weve only had to kill two this whole time, and not cuz of the mg, one was really stunted and had a weird mutation on a fake first set leaf (to give you an idea of how it looked we named it spinach...)
the other was so bent over it looked like it had gotten LST, and it wasnt getting any light so we buried it


Well-Known Member
its more about yield, quality, strength, and taste. i gaurantee you will NEVER get those with miracle grow.
(coming from a former MG user, now using Fox Farm and seeing over ten times the growth)

but what do i know.


Well-Known Member
i got a bunch of MG moisture control and earthgrow topsoil for free from a buddy a while back, i figured i'd use that shit to cut my teeth on growing...but ive had great results with MG and i havent had to use much fertilizer at all. i mix the topsoil and MG together with vermiculite and perlite. i was going to switch to a better soil after i ran out of the MG but now i think i may stay with it, its nice and cheap here because there is a Hyponex Dirt Factory about 15 minutes away from me....thats how i got the free dirt, my buddy worked there for a while...wish he still did.

you definitely cant over nute it, give it multiple diluted doses instead of one stronger dose or you could really burn the shit out of your plant. or like i do, just dump a few bat and/or seabird guano pellets on top of the soil and water it in, works like a charm.

here are a few of my photos...all grown in MG.

photo 1.JPG101_5365.jpg101_5397.jpg101_5416.jpg101_5395.jpg101_5355.jpg101_5057.jpg101_5012.jpg101_5000.jpg101_5005.jpg


Well-Known Member
its more about yield, quality, strength, and taste. i gaurantee you will NEVER get those with miracle grow.
(coming from a former MG user, now using Fox Farm and seeing over ten times the growth)

but what do i know.
you know that you have had greater success with Fox Farms than MG. but that doesnt mean MG is not as good, or even better than Fox Farms. but have you taken every variable into account, like strains, pot size, lighting amount, lighting location, humidity, airflow, water, nutes? What I am getting at is only if every variable was exactly the same for both your MG and your Fox Farm, and I mean every variable, then you really cant back up your statement about yield, quality, strength, and taste being better. every grow room is different. MG is a good soil if used correctly, and much more affordable and available than Fox Farms, unless your in a Legal MJ state. no disrespect meant to you, but your experiences are just that, yours. good luck :)

Jmayne Chronic

Well-Known Member
its more about yield, quality, strength, and taste. i gaurantee you will NEVER get those with miracle grow.
(coming from a former MG user, now using Fox Farm and seeing over ten times the growth)

but what do i know.
from what ive seen and smoked they have very comparable results from FF to MG maybe u werent using the right strain for it, even the most amazing strain can turn to schwagg if its not in the right conditions, show me a grow of yours with ff and ill show you mine, my buddys last MG grow produced 7 ozs cured with FIM method, so you CAN compensate, quality is in the eyes of the beholder, and taste can be modified to whatever you want if you want it bad enough by cross straining or even oil extracts, i can make sour diesel taste like blueberry yumyum if i wanted


Well-Known Member
my first few grows i used the miracle gro soil mix. then i bought into the fox farms line up and ended up with the same results with a lighter wallet. i'm back to using the mg and my plants and i can't be happier. they are both great soil mixes, mg is just a hell of a lot cheaper.