So 2012...seriously?

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
107 WHALES died in new zealand the DAY before the QUAKE... its HAARP fking up our planet.

Its def haarp... It fucking sucks.. Look into ascension man, it really explain's why all this has been happening. The dark one's know we are about to break through to the 4th dimension and they are trying to stop it by en-stilling fear within our population. Raise that frequency so you can leave all the negative behind...

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
The earth is overdue for a polar switch, right? I first heard about this like...5 years ago, and it caught my attention. The world changes, how do you think mountains and oceans and caves came to be? Our society is over due for a cleansing anyways, the earth has its own defenses and I believe a plague/natural disaster will be its "Hey. There are WAY too many of you on me right now. GTFO"
Yeah the thing about polar switch's is scientists say it will happen fast, but fast to them is like 5000 years... But its def possible.. Just hope Yellowstone doesnt blow or most of will probably die..


Well-Known Member
ya I believe any polar switch would happen Over a LONG time, we would not see it all in our lifetime. only little stuff. but as MP says if Yellowstone blew, Actually erupted 100%. would be a world wide disaster, no flights.. so many ppl stuck & dying. would be horrible.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
The only thing that sucks is my city is well overdue for an earth quake, Million's of years so they say, scares me that they might use Haarp to trigger one out here.


Active Member
AH yeah, I sorta believe that I will see something within my lifetime that will change the face of the Earth... It just feels like that time to me... but me and mother nature chill on thursday's and play poker so ill ask her tonight what she thinks...

SoA im glad to hear your still doing okay but im really sad to hear about the whales :(

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
AH yeah, I sorta believe that I will see something within my lifetime that will change the face of the Earth... It just feels like that time to me... but me and mother nature chill on thursday's and play poker so ill ask her tonight what she thinks...

SoA im glad to hear your still doing okay but im really sad to hear about the whales :(
yeah it sucks they beach them selfs we did save like half of them but its very sad to see nature die
Perpetuated religious hysteria. I can't fathom a relatively primitive culture somehow being able to foresee something that modern science cannot. There have been end of time prophesies for, literally, thousands of years. It's sort of in our nature, I guess.

We're truly masters of our domain. While I think that there's some validity to the statement that the earth is capable of "cleansing" itself, e.g. population thinning viruses and diseases like HIV, modern science and technology has reached a point where the effects of such things can be mitigated to such a point where it has little effect on the growth of our species. The idea that the world will come to an end during our lifetime is almost a delusion of grandeur, IMO. Unless an asteroid smashes into the planet, or the sun sends a huge burst of radiation our way, we'll go on just fine- that is until our wasteful and damaging ways make the earth an inhospitable place to live. Enjoy the ride, friends. :-P


Well-Known Member
I've GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!

I know exactly how the end of the world is coming.

Everytime a thread is closed on this site, it creates a wave. At the rate we are going at today, I think with the principle of acoustic resonance, this world is fucked.
lol, it's all good. i'm just wondering how many stoners will stumble into this thread and think "resonance? you mean the shit that builds up on the inside of my bong?"