SnowTiger's Grow Journal


Active Member
Hey every one. I am new to growing. I have been smoking weed so that I can keep working due to the pain that I am in after each work day. I go throught about 1 ounce of weed every 2 weeks. I work 5 days a week , 8 hours eack day so its not that I don't have the money I just find it anoying that I can't find any when I need to buy some so I've decided to grow my own. I don't plan on growing so that I can get 1 ounce every 2 weeks. I Just want to grow so that I have some to smoke so that I don't have to worie about not being able to buy smoke every 2 weeks. I will be showing every one (mostly new people to learn some things) how they can start from seeds to having moms and dads and at least a harvest every 2 weeks but will try to get every thing right to get a harvest every weeks. I will be updating as soon as possible. Please do not post till I say its ok to post.