Snow White - First Grow


Active Member
Hey RIU,
So I've decided to go for it and start my own little grow. I've stuck to a really tight budget so don't expect too much :) I have 5 snow white seeds and 4 mystery seeds that have been germinating for 24 hours, but so far nothing, hopefully I'll see some results in the next day or so :) Anyway please feel free to comment and give me any advice you can!
Here's some pictures of the grow box so far.



Well-Known Member
Very cool. I'm doing Snow White via DWC/Bubbler and they just started getting sticky & forming crystals all over the place. Ridiculous.

Good luck and I'm interested to see how the soil works out. I got my Snow White FEMs from Nirvana... same ?


Active Member
yeah I got mine from nirvana too! Looks like their doing well for you so I hope it works out for me!
and my fingers are crossed for girls!


Active Member
one seed has popped so far! It was one of the mystery seeds. I planted that one and my fingers are crossed that the others are on their way :) I'll add more pictures once the seeds began to grow through the soil.


Active Member
so i have 3 seeds planted now, all mystery seeds. So far none of my snow white seeds have popped. I'm really hoping they will within the next 3 days..