Snow white CFL custom DWC


Well-Known Member
So the aroma has taken over my house. Smells great -> Update tonight. Plants still growing right on track. I have a heavy duty air purifier that I put in the room tonight to keep the smell contained its the newport 9000. I can't tell if I should let them go longer or if I should start flushing this weekend. I checked out the trics with a 30x and i've seen plenty of milky trics but no amber. I figure they'll show up by the time i'm done flushing.

Let me know what you guys think



Well-Known Member
Plant has gotten so humungous.. I noticed my first hint of amber trics here and there on the plant. It's almost done. Going go be flushing after it finishes off this current feed. will probably be next wednesday. We'll see. or if i get enough amber i might just flush this weekend. we'll see.

Let me know what you guys think.


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could you take a pic of your entire set up from ground up. and throw something in there for scale? also whats your guess on a yeild?


Well-Known Member
So i chopped the 2 CFL DWC snow white girls down tonight wow what a job. 4+ hours of trimming. Well over 300g of wet weight approx. 392g trimmed. should have at least 3.5 ounces or 98ish g's of dried smoke-able dank when its all said and done if my math is right (Super tired, although miscalculation is possible i would've calculated less than more anyway.. so I hope im wrong :) We'll find out at the end of the week). Pictures will go up soon and I took a scale photo ya zestay of one of the main colas.

going to finish resetting my dwc tomorrow.. Was able to cut 7 quality clones off of the vigorous one during trim, will leave them in water and put them into rapid rooter plugs tomorrow with clonex.


Well-Known Member
and the grand total was 96.5g //// 3oz 12.5g -- let the curing begin.

Pre drying and post Jarring pics

