Smoking Weed Everyday, Then Quitting - It's Like Being Reborn


Active Member
For the past year I have been toking anywhere from point three of a gram to nearly a half ounce everyday. I have now quit cold turkey just approximately 36 hours ago, with the help of 8 cups of coffee, extensive cardiovascular and muscular work - I can feel the THC leaving me (withdrawals; but nothing too bad - I can already feel, smell, see, and hear the benefits).

For months I thought cannabis was helping my anxiety but, it was in fact hiking it - BUT I WAS TOO PERMAFRIED (fatigue, short-term memory, and much less sharper thinking) to notice the social health concern. Now that I have stopped, I feel as if I have less anxiety than ever (why I believe everybody should be a pothead once in their lifetime).

In fact I now have the motivation and energy to write much more proper sentences, and structure my grammar like never before. I'm now experiencing some of life's natural highs, without the stress or need of wanting to put something else in my body.

Now, I didn't post this thread to say smoking pot is bad and that you should quit it, in fact, keep on tokin' if you're happy with who you are. This is just some inspiration and encouragement for those who seek to quit and are afraid of withdrawals, as the benefits will greatly outweigh them.

In fact I plan on being a stoner again, though, I'm enjoying the sober life right now. :)

This thread might help others (this is a different forum), it certainly helped me: CLICK HERE

A member who goes by the name of wakinglife made a list of 200 benefits he encountered while quitting after heavy use. Some of them are just basically of relapse of others. Hope you enjoyed the read, and are not offended (I couldn't find another suitable folder to post this in, or else I wouldn't of placed it in the place where people post when they're baked:mrgreen::blsmoke:)

EDIT: Growing marijuana is going to be a lot easier now. :D
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Well-Known Member
dude, it sounds nice, but I could not quit. i paracticly need pot to fall asleep.
Have a good day, Peace


Active Member
dude, it sounds nice, but I could not quit. i paracticly need pot to fall asleep.
Have a good day, Peace
You're tellin me! I've be awake for ever since I quit 37 hours ago! I've tried the idoser sleep doses and even masturbation. I never would of admitted to that if I had my hoot today.:hump:


Well-Known Member
yea bro, even masturbation dosnt work for me either. Trust me ive tried every kind of medical shit for sleeping and nothing helps exept for that plant. I might die a bit younger because of this, but its given me way more strength for every day, as it gives me a good nights sleep. Why do u smoke it, or why did u??


Well-Known Member
So you've quit smoking weed, but you're growing it?

What's the point in growing it if you don't smoke it..


Well-Known Member
You'll be back smoking by the end of the week. :mrgreen:

But your right dude, it would of been really difficult for me to build my grow op if I was stoned all the time. I didn't get high for like a month when I was building it.
Yes, when your stoned all the time you don't feel life's greatest wonders.
Plus, you learn to appreciate being high, you don't feel as though weed is a necessity.
I only smoke 2-4 times a week. I've got too much shit going on during the week to be high all the time.


Well-Known Member
You'll be back smoking by the end of the week. :mrgreen:

But your right dude, it would of been really difficult for me to build my grow op if I was stoned all the time. I didn't get high for like a month when I was building it.
Yes, when your stoned all the time you don't feel life's greatest wonders.
Plus, you learn to appreciate being high, you don't feel as though weed is a necessity.
I only smoke 2-4 times a week. I've got too much shit going on during the week to be high all the time.

I guess it's different for younger people. I've got no reason not to be high all the time.

Sitting on a till bleeping peoples food gets boring if you're not stoned as fuck.


Well-Known Member
hehe and u found that out and felt all that within 37 hours? hmm well for me, i havnt used it every day. and if i have then its just a joint. whenever im without it, im kinda used to it now. not having pot. i have bills to pay instead of dealers.

but glad u got everything u wanted within 37 hours.


Well-Known Member
I thought this would be some interesting reading for you, if your quitting.

Your Kid Using?Work With Kids?About Us

I. Experimental Use
Junior-high-age students, especially boys, are great experimenters with various types of mood-altering substances. Some may never go beyond the experimental stage. They may decide that substance use is not for them, but a majority of them will continue to experiment and become regular users. They will use beer and pot in this stage, and will learn to seek and enjoy the mood swings that these substances will provide. A child who exhibits abuse at this stage may be establishing a lifelong pattern. Or the substance use may level off and stay at the "social recreational" level, causing no interpersonal conflict or externally harmful consequences.
It is difficult to assess dependency at this stage. The normal turmoil of adolescence is baffling to both teenagers and their parents, and caution is advised in any evaluation procedure. Many students have been inappropriately labeled as dependent when in fact they are not. They may be using drugs, but that fact alone does not make them dependent.
II. More Regular Use
Simply using more does not, by itself, indicate dependency. But a pattern of regular use, coupled with some adverse behavioral changes, can show a definite move towards possible dependency. The point here is not how much is being used, or how often, but why it is being used and what behavioral changes occur as a result of the use.
If teenagers have to lie to their parents about their savings accounts, about why they have dropped out of school sports or other activities, or about who their companions are, and have to maintain these fictions in order to continue using drugs, they will begin to experience real guilt. Unfortunately, this guilt produces feelings of intense self-hate, which results in increased drug use. A cycle of use-guilt-remorse-increased use begins.
III. Daily Preoccupation
Preoccupation with drugs is one of the major indicators of a substance abuse problem. More and more of the student's time, energy and money are spent on thinking about being high and insuring that a steady supply of drugs is available. Questioning a user at this stage will reveal that very few of his or her daily activities do not include drug use. The user accepts this as normal.
Problems with parents or police may serve to cause the abuser to decide that it would be smart to cut down or to quit using all together. And they may succeed for a few weeks. Generally though, these periods of abstinence will not last. They do serve, however, to strengthen the abuser's sincere delusion that, because he or she "quit," there is no problem. It can be pointed out to the abuser that, even though he or she feels that there is still a choice as to whether or not to use, the "choice" is always the same: to keep using.
IV. Dependency
By the time the user has reached a state of dependency, negative personal feelings have been building steadily until they require daily, even hourly, medication with drugs. Abusers in this state are unable to distinguish between normal and intoxicated behavior. To them, being high is normal, and no rationale or moral argument can break through their chemically maintained delusion.
This delusion persists even in the face of overwhelming evidence that his or her abuse is out of control and is physically, mentally and emotionally strangling him or her. The abuser will continue to insist that there is no problem, that is not out of control, and that he or she can quit at any time.

I. Experimental Use (Late grade school or
early junior high years)

Stage 1
Occasional beer-drinking, pot-smoking, or use of inhalants (glue-sniffing, sniffing aerosols, etc.). Usually done weekends or during the summer, mostly with friends.
Often unplanned, using beer sneaked from home, model glue, etc.
Stage 2
Easy to get high (low tolerance).
Little use of "harder" drugs at this stage.
Stage 3
Thrill of acting grown up and defying parents is part of the high.

II. More Regular Use (Late junior high
and early senior high years)

Stage 4
Tolerance increases with increased use. More parties involving kegs, pot, possibly pills or hash. Acceptance of the idea that "everyone does it" and wanting to be in on it. Disdain of "local pot" or light beer. Staying out later, even all night.

More money involved, false ID's used. Alcohol or pot bought and shared with friends.
Stage 5
Use of wine or liquor may increase, but beer remains the most popular drink. Willing to suffer hangovers.

Parents become aware of use. May start a long series of "groundings" for late hours.
Stage 6
Consumption increases and pride in being able to "handle it" increases.
Drug-using friends often not introduced to parents.
Stage 7
Use on week nights begins, and school skipping may increase.

Lying to parents about the extent of use and use of money for drugs.
Stage 8
Blackouts may begin, and talk with friends about "What did I do last night?" occurs.
School activities are dropped, especially sports. Grades will drop. Truancy increases.
Stage 9
Solitary use begins - even smoking at home (risktaking increases). Concentration on fooling parents or teachers when high.
Non-drug-using friends are dropped. Weekend-long parties may start.
Stage 10
Preoccupation with use begins. The next high is carefully planned and anticipated. Source of supply is a matter of worry.
Stage 11
Use during the day starts. Smoking before school to "make it through the morning". Use of "dust" may increase, or experiments with acid, speed, or barbiturates may continue.

III. Daily Preoccupation

Stage 12
Use of harder drugs increases (speed, acid, barbiturates, dust).
Possible dealing or fronting for others.
Stage 13
Number of times high during the week increases. Amount of money spent for drugs increases (concealing savings withdrawals from parents).
Possible court trouble for minor consumption or possession. May be arrested for driving while intoxicated. Probation may result.
Stage 14
"Social use" decreases - getting loaded rather than just high. Being high becomes normal.

May try to cut down or quit to convince self that there is no problem with drugs.
Stage 15
Buying more and using more - all activities seem to include alcohol and other drug use.
Most straight friends are dropped.
Stage 16
Possible theft to get money to insure a supply. There may be a contact with "bigger" dealers.
Money owed for drugs may increase. More truancy and fights with parents about drug use.
Stage 17
Solitary use increases. User will isolate self from other using friends.
Stage 18
Lying about or hiding the drug supply. Stash may be concealed from friends.

IV. Dependency

Stage 19
Getting high during school or at work. Difficult to face the day without drugs. Drugs are used to escape self.
Guilt feelings increase. Questioning own use but unable to control the urge.
Stage 20
Possible use of inject able drugs. Friends are burn-outs (and may take pride in the label).
Low self-image and self-hate. Casual sexual involvement. Continued denial of problem.
Stage 21
Can't tell what normal behaviour is any more normal means being stoned nearly constantly.
School dropped. Dealing may increase, along with police involvement. Parents may "give up".
Stage 22
Physical condition worsens. Loss of weight, more frequent illnesses, memory suffers, flashbacks may increase. Thoughts of suicide may increase.
Paranoia increases. Cost of habit increases with most of money going for habit. Loss of control over use.


Active Member
hehe and u found that out and felt all that within 37 hours? hmm well for me, i havnt used it every day. and if i have then its just a joint. whenever im without it, im kinda used to it now. not having pot. i have bills to pay instead of dealers.

but glad u got everything u wanted within 37 hours.
I always exercised even when a stoner, I barely have any body fat and have a high metabolism. But I can actually smell things I haven't smelled in forever, this includes hearing, tasting, and touching.

I didn't expect any of this, I just wanted to try and quit for a week so I could get blasted on the weekend like I haven't for a long time. And now I'm convinced to stay sober for awhile.


Well-Known Member
I always exercised even when a stoner, I barely have any body fat and have a high metabolism. But I can actually smell things I haven't smelled in forever, this includes hearing, tasting, and touching.

I didn't expect any of this, I just wanted to try and quit for a week so I could get blasted on the weekend like I haven't for a long time. And now I'm convinced to stay sober for awhile.

i used to / kinda still do that with my booze. i dont drink in ages but when i do its stupid amounts.


Well-Known Member
hehe and u found that out and felt all that within 37 hours? hmm well for me, i havnt used it every day. and if i have then its just a joint. whenever im without it, im kinda used to it now. not having pot. i have bills to pay instead of dealers.

but glad u got everything u wanted within 37 hours.
lol yer dude are u back on it...?


Well-Known Member
dude, it sounds nice, but I could not quit. i paracticly need pot to fall asleep.
Have a good day, Peace

i feel ya bro i didi not get ne bud last night lol smoked it all day i knew i should have saved some now im going to be up till liek 3 lol till i get some more bud :)


i have been smoking for like 3 years and everyday for 1 1/2 years, and I can do everything fine in my daily routine. The only thing i find is I"m very quiet when I am public places and stoned. I am thinking of quitting and seeing the world through a less comfortable view. but it would be good to quit so i can be less quiet and get more involved in life, instead of just getting stoned and doing the same old shit with my friends. but that stuff you mentioned about "withdrawals" thats bull shit, weed does not have a dependency, it is a psychoactive drug. you have more "withdrawals" from caffeine. This means it is in your head, you would have the same craving for it as you would for a chocolate bar, coffee, or something els you really like and have gone without for awhile. Alcohol and pain killers and shit like that have physical dependencies, and cause withdrawals, weed does not. I have stopped smoking for a week after doing it everyday 4-5 times a day for a year,(there might be a few days in the year when i didn't, but that would be when i didnt have any) and the only time i had trouble sleeping was the first night, but after that i slept fine and everything was pretty much the same. the only reason i started again is because thats all my friends do. Whether or not you quit weed is always up to yourself.


Well-Known Member
haha, I smoke at night and get up the next morning and I am sober all day... I guess if you could not control your habbit, you could in theory be always stoned and forget what its like to be sober. Control is key. Soon enough you will remember why you started smoking and be back just as quick as you quit. Trust me, the human mind has the great ability to make you believe in what you want to believe, until your either stressed out too much from your daily stresses or your anxiety kicks back in full force. Exercise is key to maintaining a healthy mind and body and weed is key to keeping blood pressure and stress at a low.... just my thought on things.


Active Member
ive quit cold turkey numerous times for numerous reasons, its never been hard to do at all..made me feel more healthy and have way more energy within weeks of quitting every time!!


Well-Known Member
Since I started growing I made a vow that I would NEVER smoke anything that I didn't grow. I am now at a point where I will not be harvesting until late November, so early December until I can smoke it. When I have stuff I was smoking everyday. To be honest, it has made my mind less cluttered. I can practice music and actually remember songs, scales, think about intricate chords and such. I am having dreams again. I never have them when I smoke at night. I have much more energy, especially in the mind. But even when I smoke, I'm always exercising. I think that is the key to keeping you from getting dragged down. Not smoking for weeks hasn't made enough of a difference to keep me from getting RIPPED come December! The key is indulgence. I'll most likely try and get back to being a "Weekend Warrior".