Smoking out = blacking out = ???

The Happy Camper

Active Member
i have never blacked out from smoking, i have never had any of my friends black out with me while smoking. I didnt even think it was possible unless you held your breath for a long time. But the other day my friend in front of me ripped the bong, passed it to me, then while holding it in, it was no more then 5-10 seconds, he started falling forward and brings the whole chair with him and smashes to the ground, face first, he hit his nose pretty hard. I was all startled and he looked up at me like WTF, then sorta lookedd around asked whats happening, and we just talked for a second while he was layin on the floor and he asked "havent i always been here?" when i asked him why he was still on the floor. He didnt have any memory of falling over or how he got on the floor. we both just agreed that he held it in too long cuz that seemed most likely. Then the next day were smokin again, and i remind him about about blacking out so he breathes clearly to make sure hes fine, rips it, then is standing there right after hittin it and starts to fall backwards. i was standing to the right and behind him so i pushed him into the couch so he wouldnt fall all the ways backwards.

After about 10 seconds on the couch he looks around again all confused just like the other day and asks how he got on the couch! (also both times he was falling he was shaking a little bit, i thought he was having a seizure or somethin) So this worries me how ive never seen this happen to any of my friends, i smoke daily and this has never happened to me, and my friend who keeps blacking out wasnt at all the last 6 months. So does anyone know why this might be happening? He has asthma but i dont see how they could be related because his doctor said his asthma is fine.

thanks guys im just worried about my friend.


Well-Known Member
damn might of just been to strong for him Ive seen it before but its rare usually people just have a panic attack or get really paranoid


Staff member
ive seen it happen this kid smoked like so much weed and he jsut blacked right out


Well-Known Member
I've had the shit happen to me. It's got to be some killer bud though. I've taken hits and started to black out while going into what seems like a seizure with uncontrollable shaking. I've never blacked out completely and fell over. I always seem to be seated when it happens though. I've came out of it with my buddies laughing and asking me if I'm okay.


Active Member
google toilet death...its probably cardiac stress from holding the bong in too deep...toilet death is jut a common name for it though.

10 seconds is nowhere near long enough to black out...and exhaling is when the stress is put on the heart, not inhaling.


Well-Known Member
he may have hit his head on the way down and caused a minor concussion and thats why he was unaware of his surrondings. I have coughed so hard my throat started to swell, I almost called an ambulance on myself but never blacked out. I have however passed out from smoking to much. I have also thrownup cuz i smoked to much, dont ever let anyone tell you you cannot overdose its just never fatal.


Active Member
i have, on a few occasions, smoked so much that i felt like i was falling. i thought that i was dying, and i had to fight it. i never blacked out because i always fought it because it felt like death was coming. it was always blunts, but perhaps thats when i started thinking maybe i was smoking more than mere weed.. i will feel like im falling if i smoke tobacco and weed sometimes. only when i close my eyes. never blacked out, to my knowledge.
one time i got jumped by 7 'brothas' and temporarily lost control of the left half of my body. but that was because all 7 punched me in the head simultaneously. i let them steal that blunt. fuck em. things would have gone different if i had brought out the 'equalizer' but sayno to violence. the equalizer in this case was a butterfly knife and some brass knuckles. i could have taken 7 fuckers with that. but sayno to violence :D
that weed was shit anyway. got sold to me in bags the size of marbles.


Well-Known Member
i have, on a few occasions, smoked so much that i felt like i was falling. i thought that i was dying, and i had to fight it. i never blacked out because i always fought it because it felt like death was coming. it was always blunts, but perhaps thats when i started thinking maybe i was smoking more than mere weed.. i will feel like im falling if i smoke tobacco and weed sometimes. only when i close my eyes. never blacked out, to my knowledge.
one time i got jumped by 7 'brothas' and temporarily lost control of the left half of my body. but that was because all 7 punched me in the head simultaneously. i let them steal that blunt. fuck em. things would have gone different if i had brought out the 'equalizer' but sayno to violence. the equalizer in this case was a butterfly knife and some brass knuckles. i could have taken 7 fuckers with that. but sayno to violence :D
that weed was shit anyway. got sold to me in bags the size of marbles.
Not trying to be an ass but why in the hell are you gonna carry a butterfly knife and some brass knuckles and not use them? It just don't make sense to me. If had 7 people trying to bash my skull in regardless of race. You bet your ass I'm gonna break that shit out and use it.

Just saying


Active Member
I have blacked out from smoking but it was 3-5 days after a truck roll over. I was smoking a pipe and shit started to lose colour and I was like "dude catch me" then I woke up on the ground with the wound above my eye split open. if you black out from weed something is wrong