Smoking leaf as an alternative to cigarettes.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever smoke large quantities of leaf? We used to smoke it some when we were kids and didn't know better, but I was a kid then and not a thirty-something man. Some guy used to sell us zips of it for like 10 bucks. I think we got more high from oxygen deprivation than the actual leaf we were smoking. But anyway...

I've been smoking for 22 years and I HAVE to stop. It's going to kill me if I don't. I quit once for a few months several years ago using nicotine gum and about 2 ounces of chronic a week. Problem is, I can't produce (or afford) that much bud now and TBH, I don't really wanna smoke 2 ounces of chronic a week since I have more responsibility these days.

When I harvest this time, I'm thinking of making filtered cigarettes with leaf in them. Last week I had to chop a Pure Power Plant at about two weeks old due to overcrowding. Just for kicks and because I was out of smoke, I decided to smoke it. Believe it or not, it wasn't that bad. It didn't get me high of course, but tasted pretty good. I grow organic now so maybe that's why it tasted better than leaf I've had in the past. It was a pretty good sized doob and I didn't get a headache or anything. At first I could even sprinkle a little tobacco in it until my addiction subsides some.

What do you think? I'd probably be smoking at least 20 leaf joints a day for the first week or two. As long as it doesn't give me a headache then marijuana leaf couldn't be any worse than Marlboros right?


Well-Known Member
Why not just get the e cigs or something. Doubt that leaf is going to do anything for you. Unless it has some triches on it. why bother


Well-Known Member
Why not just get the e cigs or something. Doubt that leaf is going to do anything for you. Unless it has some triches on it. why bother
It's the act of inhaling smoke. When I quit before, I'd put a piece of nicotine gum in and fire up a fat joint. Almost like smoking a cig. As far as those e-cig things go, Marlboros are probably better for your health.


Well-Known Member
how? its all just vapor..and nicotine

i just quit smoking on month 3..i know what you mean the lungs filling up with smoke...its great...seriously try the e cig
i quit cold turkey but i hear it works


Well-Known Member
Maybe I will just lay them down. Between Jan 2010 and Oct 2010 I lost 130 pounds (went from 305 to 175) so maybe I can just quit. FWIW, I lost weight simply by becoming a vegetarian, eating a high fiber diet and cutting out all refined sugars. Shit melted off. Didn't even exercise. I was never hungry either. Just like I did with my weight, it might be time to look in the mirror and say "enough is enough".

Thanks for the replies (and motivation).


ya like ronjohn said COLD TURKEY is the best way i'm on my 3rd day with no nicotine errrr i hate everyone right now....but i'll get over it in a month or so haha . I've quit before for eight months slipped had one cigar and was hooked again since....i'm only 24 tho... this go around i know what it takes ! NO SLIPPIN this time ! haha

Total Head

Well-Known Member
cold turkey all the way. you need to worry about breaking the HABIT of smoking, not the nicotine. after a week your brain isn't saying, "i want nicotine", it's saying, "i feel like i should have a ciggarette in my hand". NOT the same thing and this is what i think screws people up. a couple weeks go by and they still want the ciggarette and they think they're jonesing for nicotine. they are fighting the wrong battle and this is why they fail. you need to learn how to NOT commemorate every moment in your life with a butt, and it's a fuck of a lot harder than just stopping nicotine.


Well-Known Member
cold turkey all the way. you need to worry about breaking the HABIT of smoking, not the nicotine. after a week your brain isn't saying, "i want nicotine", it's saying, "i feel like i should have a ciggarette in my hand". NOT the same thing and this is what i think screws people up. a couple weeks go by and they still want the ciggarette and they think they're jonesing for nicotine. they are fighting the wrong battle and this is why they fail. you need to learn how to NOT commemorate every moment in your life with a butt, and it's a fuck of a lot harder than just stopping nicotine.
I agree. I think that the habit is worse than the addiction in many ways. When I quit before and I'd go on break at work, I felt lost. Sometimes I didn't even take a break because I didn't see the point of it if I wasn't going to go smoke a cig. That's what breaks are for anyway right? So you can go smoke a cig or two. My wife and I did quit smoking in the house and in our car a few years ago though. At first it was kind of difficult, but now I don't even think about a cigarette when I'm in the car or watching TV. I do have a habit of smoking a cig at the end of most hour long shows though. And I've pulled over more than a few times on trips longer than a few miles so I could fire one up.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I agree. I think that the habit is worse than the addiction in many ways. When I quit before and I'd go on break at work, I felt lost. Sometimes I didn't even take a break because I didn't see the point of it if I wasn't going to go smoke a cig. That's what breaks are for anyway right? So you can go smoke a cig or two. My wife and I did quit smoking in the house and in our car a few years ago though. At first it was kind of difficult, but now I don't even think about a cigarette when I'm in the car or watching TV. I do have a habit of smoking a cig at the end of most hour long shows though. And I've pulled over more than a few times on trips longer than a few miles so I could fire one up.
it's no different than rehabbing from any other addiction. there is a specific process one must follow to "relearn" each aspect of their life WITHOUT the substance. my advice is not to avoid the hard situations. it's one thing to win the battle when you are sealed off from the reality of a society who smokes, it's a whole other level when you do it in the presence of people who smoke. when i quit i would still go outside for smoke breaks with friends or co-workers or whatever, i just would not smoke. that was part of my personal rehab and it served me well. a little bit of masochism helps, also ;-)


Well-Known Member
If you are addicted to inhaling smoke. become a fireman. and be the damn greatest fireman to ever live. stop using your habit for weakness


Well-Known Member
I Have smoke MJ since 16, im 22 now. Have not stopped. I smoked Tobacco about 1-2 months. AND WILL NEVER AGAIN. MJ is the way to go. If you smoke weed, Why smoke Cigs? to me its really pointless, Some ppl say "i like the smoking feeling" Well so I do, So thats why I smoke blunts.
I recently went through a poor period, and had just cut down a male and a hermie in my flowering closet. Mixed the dried leafs and flowers up with tobacco to make it last longer. Great taste and took away my nicotine urge as effective as a regular cig and even got a bit buzzed. Looking very much forward to harvesting my Kayas now - Gonna share the leafs with the wormbin :lol:
I can't imagine any form of "raw" smoke in quantity is "good" for you.

Chantix worked wonders for me, nice gradual guilt free adios to my Camel friends. However, we do meet up every now and then in the car :-)