Smoking girls out


Well-Known Member
I know plenty of girls who smoke, but not many of them are hardcore about it. Most don't have a piece or maybe one shitty piece and most never buy weed
get some grass thats better then everyone elses. then MAKE them pay.


if anyone finds a bunch of those chill cool girls, hit me up. They aren't popular in my neck of the woods.
Whoa whoa...:-P I kinda take offense to this because I'm a chick and EVERYONE comes to me to get smoked up...I grow too (but they don't know

Point is, if they're not contributing and they're showing up for the sole purpose of getting some smoke out of you and don't care about much else, tell them you dried up for a while and then see how much they come around ;) Then you'll see what's up.

There are a select few whom I expect no repayment except for the good times we have together when we smoke. Friends like this are rare, but I have a couple back home :)


Well-Known Member
Damn, step up your game. When I was single I was stuffing EVERY girl I ever smoked out.

Forreal, Theres three reasons i will burn a girl out.

1.I know were gona fuck.
2.Im drunk.
3.If shes real cool and if she asks if i want 5 or somthin to burn with her,ill say its cool.


Well-Known Member
Damn if you are trying to get laid from the chick then do not smoke her out. At least not if she asks. That way you can preserve some of your man hood and smoke her out on your own terms. If she is even the least bit interested in you then she will stick around, trust me.


Well-Known Member
Hmm Me?...its not me trying to get laid, I dont have much of a problem in that department,Its if she naked in my bed ill burn one with her before we go at it.

I really don't even have a problem smoking with people that dont fade up. Just gets a little old when the same damn tease comes threw the door sayin "i wana smokeee!!!"


Well-Known Member
No one should even be thinking like this.
You REALLY believe because you share your smoke, you are now somehow entitled to her snatch? Now, that really IS gross.
Weed is MEANT to share, regardless of your sex.

Alarm Clock

Well-Known Member
I'll smoke with anybody. I smoke out total strangers on an infrequent basis, but as a general rule. It's just part of being a gentleman, to me at least.

However, nobody shows up at my house unannounced. I don't allow it. I won't let them inside if they do.

I've never really had a problem with dick-teases either. Maybe nobody knows how to embrace their inner pervert anymore, but if they are alone and flirty, and that bothers you, well that's your own damn fault. You're hopeless.

If they are flirty and clearly with someone I just treat them like a dude.

What's the problem? Strap on your molestin' boots guys, it's time to quit making excuses.


Active Member
no woman no cry. get em stoned and make them get in the kitchen to fetch you a sandwich while you crack a tall boy and tune them out with ESPN or RIU


Well-Known Member
....refer to a woman as the "bitch" who will slave for your bud, a true bitch in the making you will ascertain.:grin: