smokin' dmt

It was a profound experience. Once I was able to write, I put as much as I could in a journal that includes mephedrone scribbles (i gotta write on meph or I'll call someone and tell them all my secrets), 2c-e insights, and tryptamine adventures. If I don't write my DMT experiences down, they wind up faint memories albeit usually good ones.
Someone needs to talk about that awesome DMT stank that stays with you for a day after you smoke it. I look forward to reading your experiences Floridasux & anyone else that wants to share. We definitely need some more trip reports at RIU. The ones at bluelight/drugs/etc can get a little too littered with book reports that are tedious to read.


Well-Known Member
Ill give my little story with Demetri if y'all wanna hear it....The first time I did it it took three quick puffs from a spoon pipe with herb on the bottom. Almost immediately I felt and saw the world melting around me then I broke through reality and I'm guessing into space ha. When I got to where I was going hundreds of these 4 or 5 foot tall humanoids/aliens/elves (not really sure ha) but they all started dancing around me speaking to me trying to get my attention. Then there was around an 8 foot tall humanoid looking figure that was pitch black with huge white eyes just staring at me not saying a word. He had my complete and utter attention and when the little guys couldn't get my attention hundreds of them started having sex right in front of me....fucking crazy. Still I had my eyes on the giant, I'm not sure but I think it might have been the devil. I wasn't scared though it was a peaceful and great experience but def. intense.

I have done it a few other times since then since I had a nice personal amount :mrgreen:. I also did it on Halloween at this ballin rich persons Halloween party. Me and two friends smoked it on the beach when the sky was perfectly clear and the water was smoother than a babies butt. haha It was incredible to be tripping balls and star at the horizon line....I've never seen a more perfect straight line it almost brought me to tears. All the stars looked like they were trapped in a jello mold vibrating/jiggling every so slightly. It was totally awesome ha.

Every time I do it it seems like something awesome pops into my head. I think everyone in the world who has a stable head should try that shit. Just stay seated and listen to a good jam and you are set. :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
To many stories!! To many trips, to many high.

Understandable....Ive just been smokin demetri for prob the past 3 weeks. But have done it many times since then haha. Countless other trips as well. I love seein the world in a different light.


Active Member
I my friend am a veteran demitri toker ...only in the right time of my life will I do it though .. you see dmt is commonly misunderstood as a "quick trip" or whatever . do the research and find the right spot with nothing that you wouldn't feel comfortable to be around. let me tell you IT IS PROFOUND "IF" you break through . if you try it for your first time, try a teeny amount. but the next get ready to put a decent amount in and don't think you will have control because you won't. what I do is mend a piece of tin foil into as a spoon and throw a lighter underneath it and use a straw to suck in and be ready. I've tried in bongs with nugs and skullcap herb and out of pipes and joints and you name it , tiny bowls whatever trust me do it the way I recommend and your notice a difference. ... pretty much if you are comfortable with your life how it is right now and are not afraid to know what it feels like to die subconciously then your ready, if not .. do yourself a favor , stash it away till you are. trust me once you try a taste do a descent amount. study the works from Dr. Rick Strassman he did studies with injections! you cannot overdose remeber that! it is a natural substanced in every living thing so when your about to break through the atmosphere tell yourself your safe. any questions ask away I've done 3 papers and a 30 mintue speech for college about everything on DMT


Well-Known Member
Man that does sound crazy, I've never really been scared of tripping. Im pretty sure Ive been to the point where the real world is totally absent from the present reality I was wrapped up in. Next time I get some Im gonna load a fat ass couple hits ha. It is always a profound feeling. Ever since Ive tried it I find myself always thinking about the trips Ive been on. Question....Do yall like doing it drunk or kinda drunk? I think it takes hold a little more but Im never for sure.....


Active Member
man I did it while on san pedro cac tea and pote ganja butter tea + some caps , most of the time sober or just stoned . I could only imagine having the spins from drinking and then smoking it wow ballzy


Well-Known Member
man I did it while on san pedro cac tea and pote ganja butter tea + some caps , most of the time sober or just stoned . I could only imagine having the spins from drinking and then smoking it wow ballzy
Jesus that sounds ballzy ha. Ive never tried cactus only because ive never come across it but would def love to try some. I bet mixin all those together is fuckin crazy ha