Smoke Inside with NO smell!


Active Member
Ozium ftw... Even though parents arent a problem, I would just rather not have my living room smell like bud and hookah smoke. After a smoking session a quick spray of Ozium and the room is smell free 15 mins later

Orange kush

Well-Known Member
I used a hand sanatizer bottle with the bottom cut open tape up coffee filters around it, sprayed the other side of the bottle with axe spray (on the opposite side i blow the smoke into the bottle). And put some toliet paper in it to, i also have a game token that's a perfect fit for the bowl piece. And last but not least i light a candle in my room to mask any ganga smell.


Well-Known Member
i use the dryer towels in the toilet paper roll
its ftw
i have smoked with my room with this method and people would walk in just seconds after i finished a session and not even act like theres any weed smell


Well-Known Member
man. who didn't do this when they didnt want to get caught? :)

I did the same thing bro, with a showbox though, other then that, same exact shit.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha i rember me and my homie tj didi this in his dads house with clay we got in troble we even hade air fresher didi not work and we hade a towel at the bottom of the dor crack and were bowing it thor a paper tube with drier sheetes in it. did not work lol

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Just finished making my filter so i can smoke inside with no smell at all, its easy to make, i used a water bottle with one end cut off and taped a bounty dryer sheet over the end to filter the smoke, i cut then cut a whole the size of the bottle in an OJ container on the top, slid the bottle inside of it, cut another whole in the side, just big enough to slide a burning incent in, simply smoke your bowl and put a quarter over the bowl so the cherry doesnt keep burning into your room, light the incent up slide in and blow your hit in to the water bottle to be filtered through the bottle and masked by incent and there you have it. Happy toking!

Sombody call the fire-department!!!


Active Member
u put wayyyy to much thought into it all u had to do was git a 1 or 2 litter bodle fill it wit dryer sshets burn about 6 or 8 holes at the bottom of the bottle an jus blow tha smoke in the bodle an it will smell like daisy's :eyesmoke::bigjoint::blsmoke:


Active Member
i never had to worry cuhz my mom smoked it so our hole up stairs smelt of it an alot of the times it would smell of it in my bedroom from her so i could jus blaze an she didnt notice wen she finaly found out i did she didnt even care at longs as i didnt do i in front of her


We used to use these at my buddies place because his chick HATED herb. Water bottle with holes cut in the bottom... Fill the bottle with dryer sheets of smelly goodness and voila, no smell.


Active Member
get a gatorade bottle and buy some cheap activated carbon at walmart for 6 bucks. fill up the bottle with the carbon , cut some slits in the bottom, cover the opening with some type of cloth or whatever and exhale slowly into the bottle. problem solved. and it won't smell like you're doing laundry either. the only thing anyone will smell is the weed on your breath. soooo.......just get a handful of carbon and chew on it for about 5 great....
j/k about chewing the carbon.


this method surely masks the smell, but the smoke is still there and it makes your house smell like a laundry mat