smelly purple weed! ready?


Active Member
been growing this plant outside since june, could be goldenseeds tylight, could be from their mega mix.i dont know how long its been flowering for, 6 weeks maybe, anyway i think its ready for the chop what you think?

i dont have a microscope, i dont know where to buy one here. so plz dont suggest. middle pic is about as good as i can get.
Thx in advance


Well-Known Member
id let it go a bit longer, those white hairs in the closeup looks like new bud growth, let it fatten up a bit maybe 2 weeks more


Well-Known Member
looking good... give it some more time take a magnifier and look at the tricombs see if they are amber.... they probably aren't 100% ready with the new growth... but you will want a magnifier..... good job on the grow you will have to tell us how the smoke is.... :D


Well-Known Member
but the tricombs are what you REALLY need to be looking at anyway... the hairs are a good way to look but they can still throw you off by a week or more


Active Member
oh yeah, maybe should have cleaned that one out eh?

i can see some of the trich's are yellowed but dont know what ones are cloudy and clear, do you think that when i see can half yellow it will be a little too late? I guess i should wait a bit longer yet.

Marie Jain

Active Member
Hey Jim,

I'm in a similiar position, spent the last weekend here on the forums trying to figure out if I'm ready to harvest yet or not. Despite your objections - buy a scope.

I ended up heading down to Radio Shack, and for $12 got the killer little pocket microscope. I'm now way more educated on where my plants are chemically and I'm more on target for harvesting when the plant is ready instead of when I'm ready.

Luck to ya, and a happy harvest :)


Active Member
nice avatar hahahah his look cloudy does that mean there ready i know they could go longer but would they give you a good buzz?


Active Member
dat aint purple haha
thanks for your ever so helpful input! :finger:

i really wanna scope but cant find one where i live , contrary to popular belief i'm not in Toronto! and i don't have radio fucking shack here! cant order one of the net as i dont have credit card! i'll keep looking....

cut most of her down the other day , left the lower third and inside buds to mature a bit longer. Very strong smell, like bubblegum maybe. a lot of resin! scraped my scirrors and made a ball of hash, rolled it into a joint and it tasted amazing- very fruity flavor, a bit soapy though....

will post pics of the dried bud soon.