Smell of unburned buds?


Well-Known Member
Kinda strange how good it smells to some of us and how bad it does to others. I have a friend who's a total pothead, but doesn't like the smell of bud. I personally could live in a box of weed because I like the smell so much, this last batch smelled like mint iced tea, its' so crazy! No but seriously why do some people dislike the smell? I don't get it. Do you like the smell?


i love the smell... but i imagine its a learned taste... my grandma hates it.. the burnt smell at least; she says it smells "like farts":roll:.. i think "skunk" is a much more pleasant description:lol:


Well-Known Member
It's a smell that most of us learn to love, but it's not really natural to love the smell of a skunk. Even what we perceive as fruity tasty goodness to others may just smell like a dead skunk covered with berries.


Well-Known Member
I don't really like the smell of burned weed but tbh im usually coughing too much to remember what it smells like, i cough like a bitch when i smoke... :(


Well-Known Member
I don't really like the smell of burned weed but tbh im usually coughing too much to remember what it smells like, i cough like a bitch when i smoke... :(
Maybe you need better genetics, better flushing, longer drying, curing, or a better bong or a vape.

There are many better varieties that don't make people cough up a lung ea time.


Well-Known Member
Naw I don't cough bad I just always cough a little after each hit, and I don't grow my own unfortunately. I buy medical straight from a dispensary (through my dealer), however.


Well-Known Member
I love the smell of bud :) a buddy of mine way over here the other day and I had him smell a jar of some ak I had, and he said it smell like the side of the high way.....what ever that means lol


Well-Known Member
some of my good shit smells like sweet pine trees. try and find one person that really hates that smell . . .

idk, I just can't immagine not liking that smell. and my other weed smells like tea, and then I don't know . . . hard to describe the others.

regardless, I bet there are always going to be some hela kick ass scents that will make anyone be like "wow that smells amazing"

I mean, weed can smell so different it's amazing, that's what I really love about weed, the diversity in flavor and scent and everything. fucking god plant.

sorry I'm ripped, and rambling haha. peace


Well-Known Member
Some people like caviare and some people think it smells and tastes like gone off fish shit,acquired tastes and smellsbongsmilie


New Member
my mom doesnt like the smell of dank ass nug lol my room always smells like kush/skunk i love the smell of marijuana after breakin up bowls and blazin it i love pickin my nose cuz my fingers smell like ganja


Well-Known Member
its orgasmic,especially burpin the bud. the smell just resinates in your head even if your around town and sober