Smart pots vs Air pots


Active Member
I've searched the internet for a while and couldn't come up with a good answer. I know both are used for air pruning , but my question is which one works better at what its made to do? And which one do you prefer?


yo guy, I made some of my own smart pots as they weren't sold anywhere near where i live and i think they work great. I dont think i would like the airpots because they just have holes to get air in. And i think dirt could fall out from there causing a mess when watering.


the fabric smart pots tend to hold salts in the fibers witch is almost imposible to get out during growth.can cause issues late in your grow when your roots are in constant contact with pot


Well-Known Member
I've been using Smart pots (damn what a stupid name!!!) for long time with nothing but excellent results. I fill them with Sunleaves Rocks (vastly superior to Hydroton, in my opinion) and use a flood and drain setup. Since they are less than five bucks each, they are disposed once they are used. Since I have never used Airpots, I have no opinions good or bad.