Smart Pot roots growing through fabric

I posted a smart pot inquire on 9-24 , but recieved no responce. So i picked up a few as an experiment. Now using 3 gal. smart pots w/ roots organic soil, and Gen. Hydro's flora nova gro, floralicious plus,and a drop or 2 of superthrive my plants seem very happy, so i'm happy ! Noticed a few roots growing through the fabric in the lower portions of a few of the pots, and am wondering is this ok ? Like i said, the plants are looking real healthy. They're vegging 18/6 under 8 2' T-5's.


Well-Known Member
Were you intending that to be your last move before flowering? I don't really like the idea of having the root ball being able to escape the confines I have set for it. Protecting your roots is an important thing and is going to be harder with them growing through your pot.