small pots, small yields?


Well-Known Member
Ogmeds is right that the plants might not need daily watering early in budding,its something that you need to keep a close eye on as well,when using one gallon or smaller pots conditions change rapidly,they can go from requiring watering every other day to needing daily watering overnight,when my plants are really working their asses off producing new bud growth there are times where i water my plants twice in one day,not all the time & not every plant but it happens,everything depends on how much each plant is using up daily.
You should start a thread in thr CFL forum as you'll get alot more information.
i have a water guage, so i will check each plant. trying not to disrupt roots, probing into the soil. and to the guy with the new thread, figure it out.


Well-Known Member
yes ,,,,,,,,,people are trying to tell you that your highjacking this mans thread....... STFU and research the lights.... Im sorry for being blunt but it didnt work being nice!!!!!

LOOL listen to panhead and oregon med... they are spot on...

scuba steve

Active Member
I agree i use 2 gallon pots and get an oz or more depending on strain but usally an oz per plant.If floor space is an issue go with 1 gallon,my .02


Well-Known Member
fuck off gomzluvfozy and start your own fucking thread fuck fuck fuck

Are you going to listen yet? Everyone has tried to be really nice about telling you this, then not so nice, then sorta rood, now me.

You are being so rude nobody should answer your questions or reply to you again until you leave this thread.


Well-Known Member
LOOL my next grow will be with 3 litre bottle and MG moisture control let me know how it goes subscribed


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit on that one.

sorry, but he will net over 1oz per plant without transplanting (if he does everything right) and he only wanted a qp. The thing is though that you'll have to water like daily, and feed often, so just make your life easier and use the biggest that will fit up to 2 gallons.

I would guess 1.5oz per plant if he's using the light right.

The plant with the shitty picture quality and guitar is one of mine, the other is fdd2blk's. No this is not ideal, we're both just screwing around with them, mine is a mother, his is in a 16oz cup for a contest. He probably had to feed every other day at lower levels, if not every day. Mine I basically ignored most of the time and just gave water. That's a miracle grow pre nuted soil grown plant just so you know I didn't do anything tricky or special.

Dude I want to see root pics, you could have chopped it from original pot and took this pic for fun. If not, great f-ing job!


Well-Known Member
wow, pretty cool, thanks for the pics. see thats they way you use someone elses topic, not starting your own on theres.

Dude I want to see root pics, you could have chopped it from original pot and took this pic for fun. If not, great f-ing job!
i plan on taking pics when flowers start showing. i got little tiny pistils just starting. and a root ball pic on plants will be for sure when all is said and done.


Well-Known Member
pics comming this week, 2 or 3 are noticible flowering. i had 15, lost one. it was a freebie from attitude. some kinda skunk seed. so 14 f"s. under a 400 hps in 6" pots. pics here wed or thur. they look awsome in my opinion. youll see..................................