Small grow room idea


Well-Known Member
So I've just began my first grow. Sorta. Got a grow cabinet built and set to go. Germinating my seeds as you read this.

But I find myself in an interesting position. I have to build a small storage area to enclose a water heater and some plumbing so it doesn't freeze this winter. But since I'm building it myself I can make it a little bigger than needed creating some dead space:mrgreen:.

What I'm wondering is what I could accomplish with the space I have and what the ideal amount of light would be. I can build the area to provide as much power and ventilation as needed.

The space would be about 42 inches wide. 8 feet deep with 8 foot ceilings. So I have a reasonable size area but its not really wide. So.... Dunno.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe I should have put this in grow room. Although it's not a grow room. Just a question about a set up.