Small/big pots from start?


My seeds have just sprouted and I can see the white tails, now should I start them in little jiffy pots/Styrofoam cups or can I just put them in there 5 gallon buckets which they will finish the grow in? Is the outcome going to be different? Details and conclusions please! + Rep for helpful advice of course!


Well-Known Member
i start small and transplant into bigger pot's before flowering,it depend's on your space limitation's,
i have a veg room which is small enough so i start small,the diameter of the pot is proportional to the
width of your plant,just like in tree's,fir tree's have long narrow root systems which lead's to narrower tree's oak
on the other hand has a very wide root system and are big wide tree's ,same applies to our favourite plant!!!!
Good luck either way and transplanting ain't that hard to do!!!!


i start small and transplant into bigger pot's before flowering,it depend's on your space limitation's,
i have a veg room which is small enough so i start small,the diameter of the pot is proportional to the
width of your plant,just like in tree's,fir tree's have long narrow root systems which lead's to narrower tree's oak
on the other hand has a very wide root system and are big wide tree's ,same applies to our favourite plant!!!!
Good luck either way and transplanting ain't that hard to do!!!!

The problem is I'm growing outside, I'd grow inside but whom I'm living with is a strong no no. So them seeing the plants is hell. I have a spot picked in the woods and I can't just place little pots in the woods for a couple weeks...How can I do this?


New Member
U can start them in any size theoretically but u have to think consistency. U neven an evenly moist medium especially as seedlings so a smaller cup with more often waterin would be ideal as it allows the roots and medium to dry evenly encouragin root growth. However u could get some of those bush buckets they're camo and just fill it with soil leaving enough room at the top for ur cup. Sprout them in the cup full of soil on top of the soil in the bush bag and when they're ready tranplant into the actual bush bag of soil and top off. Would offer a little more stability as far as temps go as well cause ur cup would be surrounded by soil... Maybe? Lol


Well-Known Member
Ah ha outdoors,i reckon you could go as big as you want,i did an outdoor in
cut off 10 gallon drums i dug holes to put them in placed gravel at the bottom
drilled load's of holes in the drums,i gave them fish and bllodmeal manure
and basically checked on them every now and again,to make sure they were
wet enough and scattered some manure pellets around them,one thing i will
say if you can get some chicken wire put it around the base to keep critter's
away and a sprinkling of builders lime around the base of each pot will keep
snail's and slugs away,outdoor is great it's natures way,ask the guy's in the
outdoor growing thread they really no their shit and are generally a very helpful
bunch of people!!!!
Hope this help's and may you get a bountiful harvest!!!

grow space

Well-Known Member
you can do both ways-if going straight to one big container-the less stress(no transplant and rebound time-jeeeee:)) but it is good also to start them in little container first, cas then the roots will produce a solid root mass and then the roots wouldnt go straight to the bottom, but everywhere in the new pot when u transplant:)


Thanks Gippy, that's the answer I was looking for a simple yes or no. :) + rep

Also I plan on putting chicken wire + 4 t posts surrounding my plants with fishing wire every foot down the pole going in a square rotation keeping deer out. I'm in TX I don't believe snails are where I am. They would get cooked.


Well-Known Member
i would start them off in somthing small first...jiffy pots...cups..ect..
let them devolop a good strong root structure...
then i would transplant into a bigger your case.....your 5gall. buckets
i would also drill some 1in holes in the bottom of them for water drainage....:peace:


If I were u, I would go to walmart and get one of those biodegradeable cups, fill it up with soil and seedly. Then plant the cup in your 5 gallon buckets. By the time the cup breaks down, your girl will have the time to devolop her root system.