slowly greying and dying fan leaves but not buds?

User Name420

Active Member
Ok, so I've noticed this for quite awhile now. I adopted a plant from the dispensary with it. I thought it was just pH problems, nope it was a fungus..

Even though I threw the plant out awhile ago(at least a month ago) the rest of my plants just got it!

I can't tell if it's a fungus that's in or out of the soil.

Is this something that root rot could cause?

The thing is, it's not life threatening to my plants considering they only have a week till harvest. One of them has a month to go though.

It looks like it's just on the leaves, not the buds. This makes me think it could be root rot that's causing it.


User Name420

Active Member
I've known about it for a month! If I can't make it another month I'd be surprised. I've been trying to keep it down with some alcohol and hydrogen peroxide with a spray bottle and water. It seams to kind of work.