slow growth since its been planted? white stuff on bottom of stem

Well-Known Member
ever since i first planted my plant after germenation, it has been growing so slow. its on day 56 and 12inches tall only 7 strains of leaves(all 3 leaves)
then, the other day i looked at the stem to find a dried-looking white thing at the base of the stem is this bark lol? is this normal? how can i fix this
enyway i planted a seed 15 days ago and its already 6 inches tall and it keeps falling over because its so tall :evil: i stuck a pencil in the ground and tied it to it (this plants not under my 50w grow light, but my other one is):confused:


Well-Known Member
sounds like the one is stretching for sure if its falling over and reached 6 inches that quickly, the other is probably the same problem mostly, or stressed for some other reason if its not stretched. If the white stuff is powdery it's mildew....bad stuff, get something to kill it or let your plants properly dry out before watering.

Well-Known Member
the white stuff isnt powdery but just incase i transplanted it. i tore alot of the roots b/c i couldnt get down far enough but its alright


Well-Known Member
more light for the 6 inch plant. its probably stretching. and if you dont already you probably should throw a fan above it to strengthen the stem so that it can handle the weight of the canopy!

as for the other plant i'm not too sure on all the possibilities of white stuff on the stem, so someone else will have to help you on that one!
Try puting more light on it, keep in mind nothing can really match the sun, i suggest geting some CFLs 6500k youll need to switch to a hps or MH light for the flowering if your plant makes it that far, and as far as the CFL's your deff going to need a fan to blow on them so you dont burn your leaves and what not, that just happend to mine my cfls were about a inch 2 inchs away and the fan fell over and roasted them bitchs :( im quite sad about it actually.