SlikWiLL13's Kinda-Ghetto-But-Damn-It-Works Grow


Well-Known Member
anyone lookin for the pic of where i do my cuttings i put it in BuddyJesus's journal around page 13 or 14 and then accidentally deleted it so look for it there.

heres some new pics of my big girl. she's starting day 3 of flush today, phed water with molasses. the molasses is already bulking her up.




Well-Known Member
Damn will nugs lookin hella nice! Those are some colorful buds there my friend! Whats the smell like. And good looking on that picture of the cuttings. Shit is going to help out hell good. Again man great job! can't wait to hear how it smokes!


Well-Known Member
i can tell you all that. this will be my fifth harvest of this shit. piney taste and smell, delicious...

and im glad i can help, its what were here for. pics of our training trial in a bit...


Well-Known Member
hell yea shit sounds delic! Yea nice man we'll have updates tonight also. going now to put some work in!


Well-Known Member
switched my new girl in flower(day 5) from her bushmaster treatment to regular flower nutes. i still have no ppm meter so mixing to 75% of the bottles spec for now. i also repotted my NYC Diesel seedling to a 1gal.


Well-Known Member
i decided my NYC Diesel seedling was big enough to sex today. its almost 12" tall & 7 1/2wks old so i gave it a little flush and put it in the flower tray. if its a male ill put it in a 55 gallon plastic barrel with a couple cfl's so i can collect some pollen. if its a female im gonna put her back in veg to get bigger and give me a clone or two. i think i want it to be a female even though i want to make some seeds sometime soon. all i have is female northern lights. i have 10 durban poison seeds of which one just about HAS to be a male. if my NYC D bagseedling is female, and i get both male and female DP; i could end up with reg DP seeds, NLxDP, and NYC DxDP. which would fucking rock if you need told...


Well-Known Member
i decided my NYC Diesel seedling was big enough to sex today. its almost 12" tall & 7 1/2wks old so i gave it a little flush and put it in the flower tray. if its a male ill put it in a 55 gallon plastic barrel with a couple cfl's so i can collect some pollen. if its a female im gonna put her back in veg to get bigger and give me a clone or two. i think i want it to be a female even though i want to make some seeds sometime soon. all i have is female northern lights. i have 10 durban poison seeds of which one just about HAS to be a male. if my NYC D bagseedling is female, and i get both male and female DP; i could end up with reg DP seeds, NLxDP, and NYC DxDP. which would fucking rock if you need told...

haha yea man that shit would wreck peeps


Well-Known Member
okay, heres the latest on my traning method...

i topped once @ 1 wk, were @ 2wks now and im gonna top again.

heres what she looks like now...

top view

heres where i made my last cut...

heres where im gonna make the next two cuts...

i shouldnt say cuts, i dont cut anything. i pinch off the top part about the size of half a kernel of corn.


Well-Known Member
Hey what up slick. you know to be honest when i saw your plant with all those heads on it I was like "wow" . i had seen something like that before but never from the top. the shit just looked amazing, and i could not even begon to wrap my brain around the idea of how to do that. but the funny thing is that i know how to top, but i just never put it together like that, and after like the second step i was like "oh, ok" . so thanks for unlocking the door to something i really have been wanting to try. i have a few things going right now and if i could figure out how to post my pics i could give you a good look. also, don't you think i forgot...........What the fuck man, those plants look awesome, i mean for real. you know they are getting close because the leaves are turning yellow, but the buds look good enoughto eat, especially the last pic. Good fucking job man. but i do have one question, by topping it that way versus not topping, and as far as your yeild is concerned, do you get more, less, or pretty much the same? and i ask because it sounds like you pretty much grow only 2-3 different types or strains so i figured that you've probably grown one strain a couple of different ways.



Well-Known Member
i dont really think yield is increased by topping, not signifigantly anyway. what i do think it does is spreads your yield more evenly over more smaller "top buds". by top buds i mean the more solid, top of the canopy-type buds, not necessarily massive colas. i dont end up with a massive cola but i also dont have a shitload of "B" and "C" buds that suck to trim. this also helps maintain a more even canopy too. if a branch is getting too tall, top it and give the rest a chance to catch up.

just to not claiming to have pioneered this method by any means, its just how i do it.


Well-Known Member
S.O.S.: How do you put your pics up!!!?? I'm lost and can't figure it out. Was able to download them to the site but not able to put them on a post.
Please Help!!!!!



Well-Known Member
i dont really think yield is increased by topping, not signifigantly anyway. what i do think it does is spreads your yield more evenly over more smaller "top buds". by top buds i mean the more solid, top of the canopy-type buds, not necessarily massive colas. i dont end up with a massive cola but i also dont have a shitload of "B" and "C" buds that suck to trim. this also helps maintain a more even canopy too. if a branch is getting too tall, top it and give the rest a chance to catch up.

just to not claiming to have pioneered this method by any means, its just how i do it.

Don't lie man your the creator of this shit! lol!! I just read your pot bout buddy j and (what u thought to be andre3000) ODB. That would be so fuckin funny! lol. Alright so i have couple new pics of the training i'll post up a lil lata today. Can't wait for those beans to get here either! I'm geeked bout that blue cheese! lol

~Buddy J~


Well-Known Member
Don't lie man your the creator of this shit! lol!!~Buddy J~
yeah, im sure you know as well as i do theres some folks on here that are quick to jump on a mofo's case. tell you you aint shit and why-for and get all kinds of excited about it. it kind of amuses me actually. in one thread i said that "I collect haters like baseball cards..." next day i had a anonymous NegRep for it, i told a couple peeps about it and within 15 minutes my rep was doubled by peeps making up for it!!LOL

Hellafied Game

Well-Known Member
plants lookin good, as for if its NYC Diesel or not.... Doesnt look too much like any i've had but u could have what looks like a more indica-ish pheno because my leaves are usually more Sativa-ish with my diesel. Have to see it flower


Well-Known Member
what up slick, i think i figured it out. so her are some pics of something i did this summer. they were at about five and a half to six feet at that point. they were ripped off about tw weeks after i took these shots. it was kinda bitter sweet because i felt like that was going to be some good smoke(bitter), but who ever took them obviously couldn't tell that they were'nt even close to being ready, so they really didn't get shit(sweeeet!)



Well-Known Member
heres a shot of how much i take off when i top my plants. the razors for reference i pluck off the piece you see. the bud is just a premie nug i picked to get by...



Well-Known Member
im almost positive my NYC D seedling is a male. this isnt terrible news because ive been wanting to make some seeds.