SirGreenThumbs Grows and Random


Well-Known Member
whites never really faced the same history of persecution that blacks did, so 'white pride' is not really as justified.

i'm not sure why people don't get this.
this country was founded by white persecuted people ......... i guess you were to busy calling people racists to learn that in school


Well-Known Member
this country was founded by white persecuted people ......... i guess you were to busy calling people racists to learn that in school
i'm gonna leave as soon as i get a straight answer regarding what types of oppression white people in america are facing.


Well-Known Member
You do it every single day buck. You bring race into things where there isn't any. You always attack people calling them racists for things you yourself have taken out of context. Most of the people in politics do not debate race in the way you claim they do.

Now its not only you. The people you associate with now think that it has become some sick game to try and make people feel bad and it doesn't even stop with race or if someone is gay or not. You people literally try and claim someone killed their family and talk endlessly about it whenever he posts anything in there.

And I don't know what the hell you did to see4, he never used to be so damn cold and heartless. I'm glad I no longer post there, you people over there are out of your fucking minds.


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna leave as soon as i get a straight answer regarding what types of oppression white people in america are facing.
go take a feild trip to the food stamp office ........ look at the clothes people there are wearing , skin color , and the car they pulled up in .......... then really think about who youre sticking up for buck
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Well-Known Member
they were in chains ....... so by your logic we should buy them gold chains and grills to make up for it .......... pull up to the welfare office in a new ride wearing gucci and gold chains


Well-Known Member
go take a feild trip to the food stamp office ........ look at the clothes people there are wearing , skin color , and the car they pulled up in .......... then really think about who your sticking up for buck
so white people are being oppressed by food stamps now?


they were in chains ....... so by your logic we should buy them gold chains and grills to make up for it .......... pull up to the welfare office in a new ride wearing gucci and gold chains
incredibly racist stereotypes.


Well-Known Member
Do you realize how hard it is for a white person to get food stamps in the south?

Not to mention when they do manage to get (most) feel horrible for being on it. I guess having hurt pride works out for people of bucks standing. Especially when it comes to white people.

Also, most black people today probably have never even experienced the type of racism buck thinks happens every day. In some places it may, but in the majority of the country its not taking place.


Well-Known Member
Do you realize how hard it is for a white person to get food stamps in the south?
food stamps are not racially based in any way. there is no race-based criteria for food stamps anywhere in the nation.

it is a simple numerical calculation.

Also, most black people today probably have never even experienced the type of racism buck thinks happens every day.
i could cite a million studies showing otherwise.


Well-Known Member
so white people are being oppressed by food stamps now?


incredibly racist stereotypes.
You think so?
Have you ever been to a food stamp / welfare office? I have, I've been there and I hated it. I bowed my head the whole time its embarrassing stooping that low. Does that make me even more racist because I would rather work for a living than have to use government assistance?


Well-Known Member
food stamps are not racially based in any way. there is no race-based criteria for food stamps anywhere in the nation.

it is a simple numerical calculation.

i could cite a million studies showing otherwise.
you only get them if youre living beyond your means ......... i drive a old beat up truck wear clothes from walmart and between me and my wife are barely keeping our head above water ......... we dont qualify ......... so come on buck really ?


Well-Known Member
food stamps are not racially based in any way. there is no race-based criteria for food stamps anywhere in the nation.

it is a simple numerical calculation.

i could cite a million studies showing otherwise.
Tell that to my mom. She was rejected for food stamps while we were living in the projects and her income wasn't even close to be able to support 3 kids and living expenses on her salary. They also tried to use the fact that my absentee father who didn't provide anything for us made it where she didn't qualify. Don't pretend to know something about someone and what they have been through. There are millions of people in this world of all colors who have all been discriminated against.

If you and people like you would stop putting race into everything this shit would stop.

Also, I could care less about studies that could be easily taken by people who refuse to accept a solid verdict when all facts point to one side. Also, studies can have their subjects paid so therefor it was probably one sided.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm gonna end up just creating a whole new journal and maybe this wont happen again, at least not so soon.

On my first fucking page.

That is what pisses me off the most. Its fucking rude..

Who thinks, "OH! let me go ruin someones grow journal real quick!.. "

Yes, that was a meltdown. LoL


Well-Known Member
seriously though im just talking shit ......... for the most part i dont give a fuck about color ........ its peoples actions that i watch and make decisions by ........ regardless of my white power tattoos and bald head ive moved on from that chapter of my life