Single leafs instead of five leafs? WTF


Well-Known Member
Hey people, can someone please tell me what the hell is up with my flowering plants?

They have one leaf shooting out near the tops instead of the typical five leafs. I'm using Floranova bloom series. PPM is up to 1500, normally kept it at 1300. Could that have something to do with it? Nothing looks burnt. Aside from that everything is cool. 1000watt HPS above a 4x4 ebb and flow. Doing perpetual SOG.



Well-Known Member
Hey people, can someone please tell me what the hell is up with my flowering plants?

They have one leaf shooting out near the tops instead of the typical five leafs. I'm using Floranova bloom series. PPM is up to 1500, normally kept it at 1300. Could that have something to do with it? Nothing looks burnt. Aside from that everything is cool. 1000watt HPS above a 4x4 ebb and flow. Doing perpetual SOG.
Are you using the Nova at full dose? 3 teaspoons per gallon of water? 1300-1500 ppm sounds like a full dose. I had the same result at full dose when I was using the Flora series. When I backed off to 1/2 the amount per gallon the issue backed off as well.

The Nova is pretty hot for the plants. I also found that with the Flora Nova there was always a slight saltz build up in both my hydro attempt and soil grows. Hope this helps and good luck.


Well-Known Member
what up Brasmith? I was thinking definate light leak. You think high enough doses of N will do this too? I agree PPM seems high for their age. I never break 1k.


Well-Known Member
Your plants are revegging. smokeybandit called it right you have a light leak or your timer is off or broken. You aren't interrupting their sleep on purpose are you? 12/12 right with complete darkness in it's sleep cycle.

Now you start flowering all over again with a healthy delay while the plant freaks out wondering what the hell is going on.


Well-Known Member
what up Brasmith? I was thinking definate light leak. You think high enough doses of N will do this too? I agree PPM seems high for their age. I never break 1k.
It does sound more like a light leaking issue, perhaps that was what I had going on as well my first grow. The Nova's N is fairly low, 4 I think. But at full dose it'd be 12 right? do npk values add that way? Makes sense to me anyways......

Hey Smokey, long time....


Well-Known Member
Thanks fellas, I really doubt its a light leak. I mean it could be I guess. I'll drop the PPM down to 1200 or so and check to see if there is a light leak. What would you recommend i do with the plants that are revegging...they are already too tall to stay in the room, so if they are thinking of growing higher i can't have that. I should just chop em i suppose?


Well-Known Member
No they don't have to be chopped. Tie them down with string or something. At least let them continue flowering. Have you gone in your grow space with the plants and turned off the lights to see if there is a leak of light comming in?


Well-Known Member
btw....your avatar is adorable, even if it isn't you in the pic. lol
Well the door itself into the flower room isn't completely sealed...however. It is within a closet that is within a room. Can a slight light leak for a minute or so be enough?


Well-Known Member
oh and thanks, just found the pic on the internet somewhere. I liked it too. Music baby music...


Well-Known Member
alright update guys. I checked for light leaks in the room. The ONLY light inside the flower room is the damn red light on my CO2/Temp/Humidity control, also i little red light on my timer, and a green light on my surge protector. Not concerned about the green light but i covered it anyways. I went ahead and covered the red lights too with some tape so now there is absolutely no light at all. But do you guys think that could have been it? It was distinctly visible, but not really lighting anything. Just looked like a red dot in the room. And since its on my environment control it seems wierd that they would put a light that could mess up the light cycle. What do you guys think?


Active Member
it;s just something that happens sometimes, no problems. I would love to come across one some day for netics but who knows.

good luck

p.s check out the breeders bible maybe you can find it online somewhere it says something about it in there. one dude had a monster got pics. enjoy.


Active Member
Sometimes it is genetic the last plant i flowered did this went from 1 to 7 leaflets and back down to 1 and had a plant with different genes right beside it as a control that did not do this!

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I was on a thread here a while back and the guy thought that since it didn't really look like a potplant he's going to clone it(keep it as a mom) and grow them outside next year. I thought it was a great idea. In the 1980's I grew seeds in the Canadian climate and early generations produced strange looking plants, including ones that look like yours. As long as the buds are growing I'd keep it going. One of my best strains is missing a finger but it still grows great pot.