single cola plants?


Well-Known Member
you wouldnt just tie them, you also trim the side growth. The idea is to end up with more nodes in the same spaced cola, forming a denser main cola. im not saying it will work, ive never done it or read of someone who has, just an idea i read while trolling the endless forums.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think your attempting to sorta merge the budz together right? But, it just wont work that way. You can tie the plant into a pretzel shape if you want to. All your gonna do is make a mess to clean at harvest and most likely constantly stress/confuse your plant.

But, I don't want to discourage you. By all means try it, tke some pics and I'll follow the thread. But IMO, I wouldn't advise it. With a SCROG you'll get a FULL use of your space without the need for any crazy training techniques. You really can't ask for more than a full canopy of buds. It's how you wanna get it. From my limited experience, simplier is better! But, Good luck!

I'm gonna try some different harvest times. I like the couchlock high. My wife likes the uplifting head high. At least I got a few plants to mess around with. I'm praying for an Oz/a plant. But I can wish in one hand and shit in the other. I figure It'll average about 20g too. Some show much more potential than others. That's still around a pound all together. Not bad for some rushed bagseeds.

Can deffinetly see the potential with a good strain and some proper veg time. Mr. Marks: You normally do SOG grows? Have you found an ideal plant for this type of growth? Indica/Sativa?

On a funny note: I just watched a drunk nurse drive her whole front end into a deep ditch. Funny, Funny shit!



Well-Known Member
Sounds good. Try researching the strain more. All seed reviews will make the plant sound awesome. Like a car salesman. But that kind of growth sounds perfect.



Anyone know how to post random questions, in threads they don't belong in?
i've been following this thread since the beginning and i think you hijacked this thread on page 2 although you are doing a swell job with this experiment if people diddnt add their 2 cents we would all suffer.


Well-Known Member
Here's two of my oldest girls. Both around 6 weeks. Serious swelling every day. They seem to love all those lumens. Odviously no vertical growth in these two for weeks.

The first set is the 11 inch girl. My smallest, but I think she'll pack a nice punch. She smells very, very, piney! Very sticky shit. Budz are like granite. Yum Yum.

Set two is around 14-15 inches. Smells almost like citrus. Lemons or something. She doesn't have much for red hairs yet. Buds are swelling nicely. Budz aren't quick rock hard but are very solid. She's been a strong girl since birth. I actually perfer this one two the first plant for some reason.

As the others swell I'll take close-ups as well. Thanks for all the post ya'll. Good luck to you and yours, stay safe!

-:peace:The Dude:mrgreen:-


Well-Known Member
Also, didn't "Hijack" anything. I brought back to life a thread with 10 post that hadn't been posted to in over a year. But your right, we need everyone's two cents. If you've been following this thread you'd know I encourage discussion. But I do think It should be somehow related to the subject matter. Grow room design questions shouldn't be in a cloning thread. Makes for a lot of wasted reading. I love RIU. But it gets tuff sometimes researching a concrete answer. So, I'm trying to give this thread my concrete answer. Thanks for your input. It was helpful, and grow related.


diddnt mean to be snappy i just toked up i should be better now.
nice grow i saw the title "single cola plants" and have been wonderinng if it would be better im impressed as all hell


Well-Known Member
So am I. Very surprised. If I wasn't so set on a SCROG grow next time I would do this again the right way. Can only imagine the results of quality strains/vegging.

Mr. Marks seems to know all about great SOG results. Care to show up that big ass bud again man?

I previously posted some pic I found of a guy that did this in 24oz bottle. Incedible results. Just more proof: "She gorws like a weed!"

-his humble dudeness


i do everything from clone so i may try this as i know the results the way i do it now and would be able to compare it to something i already get a consistant result from. do you think it speeds up the process by going 12/12 from the beginning?i usually go 2 weeks of veg after roots take then 12/12


Well-Known Member
From rooted clone would be my advise too. The 12/12 from seed doesn't seem to produce natural single cola growth. You still must trim for such an effect. Plus plants still go through a short veg period, then flower. Requiring even more time than if you used clones.

So SOG growers, I'd suggest picking a good strain, and doing it from clone with aroung 2-3 weeks veg time. No reason you couldn't harvest every 2 months this way. As long as replacements were ready when flower space is harvested. Whereas by seed it seems to take about 3 months with sprouting and vegging included.

Overfiend: What kind of light are you using? Your room demensions?



Well-Known Member
im going to be doing a three chambered system; 25 days of clone/rooting time in a bubbler, 25 days flowering under cfl in a hydroton pot with another bubbler system, then 25 days under 400w hps to finish the flowering stage.

im saying 25 days, but that's if i can get a 50 day flowering strain. if it was more id divide in half and increase each periode.


Well-Known Member
50 days? That may be tuff. Although there are plenty of 8 week strains. So not much longer. What's the rush? If it's to quickly get another harvest. Might want to look into heavy yeilding strains. I've seen some that say 700g m/2 indoor sea of green.

Here's a bubblegum strain I was looking into a while back:Bubble Gum Marijuana Seeds High Quality Low Prices

With that kind of yeild you can afford the extra week of flowering time the strain requires. Might even want to add some veg time to get her to her potential before flower.



Well-Known Member
well yeah 50-60 days whatever it takes, im growing aero/dwc so i expect quick grow and then ill get the fastest flowering i can find. all im saying is there will be 3 chambers and there will be two sets of plants in flowering at a time, one on each half of the 50-60 day cycle.


Well-Known Member
Got that part. But why split the flowering between cfls and your hps? Hps do come with a lot of issues. So, cfls come in handy for a lot of people. Shit, I started with 11 cfls and 6 plants. They seemed to love it. But I've never flowered under them.



Well-Known Member
mostly i just want to see if i can get my harvest down to once a month. I have a three chambered grow cab, and only one chamber is lit by an hps, so one chamber for clone/rooting on 24/7 cfl. one on 12/12 cfl and one on 12/12 hps. In this cycle all plants will be 75 -90 days old when they finish, but i'll still hopefully harvest every 30 days or so.