Simple planting question

hey there, i have pretty dense soil with a clay layer about a foot down in my spot. i have dug out the holes thinking i would place 5 gal buckets in them, and then plant inside them. would it be the same to just add mix into the hole and keep the natural soil out. i dont want the roots to be stuck in the pot if the plants will be fine stretching out into the soil already there. The area around the spot has natural veg like ferns, small trees and other various plants. I assume that as long as i add nutes when needed at the proper amounts that the soil around them wouldn't really matter?

p.s Im sorry I know theres probably a similar post on this exact thing or in a grow guide but any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I always dig out my holes and replace with good soil.. If they overgrow the holes that I've dug, the roots will just grow into the native soil. I've thought about using buckets but have always been afraid that the root system will over grow the bucket. Just make sure that you kind of chop up the soil around the hole that you've dug so that it loosens up a bit. Good luck with your grow this year!