Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)


Well-Known Member
My RO water comes out at 6.0, so I don't bother with the PH balance. I made my White Widow mother over eight years ago from a pack of Nirvana seeds I bought for ten bucks. I plan on keeping her as long as I am growing weed. It is the best we have found after years of trying.


Awesome guide/thread! Appreciate the step-by-step pics and the explanation/rationale for examining the.
I am on day 61 of my first ever grow from seed (unknown strain, but seeds came from local growers). My next grow will be from pre-selected strains.

I was operating under the "color of the hairs" harvest strategy (i.e. harvest when 75% of the hair turns red). Reading this, I am going to try and find a microscope so I can actually examine the trics and see whats up. I would like to get the maximum psychoactive effect and don't care much about the analgesic, as I am a non-medical smoker. Well, I guess you could make a small case for stress relief/winding down being very lightly "medical" in nature, but I live in the woods on the east coast of Canada and no one bothers us here anyway.

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Excellent, EXCELLENT thread rumple :) I am in the process of harvesting my very first white widow and I'm referring to this thread religiously. Two quick questions though... I think you said you leave them hang for 72 hours before brown bagging them. Is that kinda set in stone or do you go by how moist they still are at the 72 hour mark. Mine will still be fairly moist at that time and was just wondering. Also, does the brown bagging bring out more flavor or diminish the "green" taste? Again, thanks for this thread and +rep to you.


Well-Known Member
In most climates, you can't get all the moisture out of the plant in 72 hours. All the bags do is even out the drying process to all the buds no matter the size. So you don't get crispy small buds and soggy big ones.

Good weed tends to make folks friendly.


Well-Known Member
Awesome guide/thread! Appreciate the step-by-step pics and the explanation/rationale for examining the.
I am on day 61 of my first ever grow from seed (unknown strain, but seeds came from local growers). My next grow will be from pre-selected strains.

I was operating under the "color of the hairs" harvest strategy (i.e. harvest when 75% of the hair turns red). Reading this, I am going to try and find a microscope so I can actually examine the trics and see whats up. I would like to get the maximum psychoactive effect and don't care much about the analgesic, as I am a non-medical smoker. Well, I guess you could make a small case for stress relief/winding down being very lightly "medical" in nature, but I live in the woods on the east coast of Canada and no one bothers us here anyway.

Thanks again!
Always a good idea to check the trichome color. The hair color tends to be less reliable. Most folks say the White Widow I grow has the best high when harvested with 20% to 30% amber trichomes (narcotic high). Your results and preference will vary.


Well-Known Member
Excellent, EXCELLENT thread rumple :) I am in the process of harvesting my very first white widow and I'm referring to this thread religiously. Two quick questions though... I think you said you leave them hang for 72 hours before brown bagging them. Is that kinda set in stone or do you go by how moist they still are at the 72 hour mark. Mine will still be fairly moist at that time and was just wondering. Also, does the brown bagging bring out more flavor or diminish the "green" taste? Again, thanks for this thread and +rep to you.
Please post some pictures of your dried buds and let us know how it went.


Well-Known Member
That was a single plant grow. It is the norm now days in my grow room. We only grow what we can smoke, so two plants was over-kill.
WOW! That is very impressive! PLUS... this is an excellent tutorial and very well written. Single-indoor-plant (WW too, so) and with a yield like that? EXCELLENT! TY :)


Well-Known Member
Just checked the site I bought my Nirvana seeds from. Was a long time ago but they are still around.


Well-Known Member
Aloha Rumple~

Just finished my 3rd harvest. I did them differently; as information was attained and gathered.
My AK's I did with this technique and the results were perfect, first time.
I'm still having some issues with the first batch's RH levels fluctuating bc I did not bag 'em (and I am learning as I go here).
Sour D can smoke in a doob this morning, and feel pretty close @ 2.5 days...
On my way to get lunch bags to shread right now!

Just wanted to say thanks again brah~


Well-Known Member
I water normally (pure water for last 10 to 14 days). I know some folks have some pretty good sounding reasons to let it dry out before the chop. I think mine comes out better then if I chopping down a plant that is wilted and sagging. regardless, this method will work no matter if you water or not.