silly things you just cant handle,fingers on chalkboard,glass on glass weird stuff...

buddha webb

New Member
Ease up on vinegar talk please,its a strange request, but just the thought of it.Im shuddering and shaking my shoulders in a half yawn position,my head is to the side like rainmans and my right arm is contracting in a spasm style......................its easing,like a yawn,but the thought never leaves me...cheers....B

I cannot argue with you there. I'll admit my vocabulary has expanded since joining this site... in a rather detrimental way. I'll be saying 'yo', next. Or 'Hella'.

I'm sure you did have fun writing that.

I'm lucky to have moved out of the 'ghetto' a couple of years ago. Now we are the novelty ethnic family. Takeaway boxes seem to do fine for developer trays though. The only problem with all that vinegar is it burns and the smell lingers for ages. It makes your hands pruny and I can't stand the tingling sensation. Perhaps I should have used gloves, but I hate the feel of latex on my hands.